
The first list of entries for the Five Hundred Miles Race gives every indication that this classic race will be as keenly fought out as its predecessors. This year’s race will be the sixth ” 500″ organised by the B.R.D.C., and takes place at Brooklands on Saturday, September 22nd. Here is the first list, which will undoubtedly be added to before the final closing date :

Class H.

K. D. Evans (M.G. Midget 5).

G. E. T. Evston (M.(,. Midget S).

G. H. S. Balmain and J. G. C. Low M.G. Mitt 5).

R. T. Horton (M.G. Midget S).

Sir Herbert Austin, K.B.E. (Austin St.

Sir Herbert Austin, K.B.E. (Austin 5).

Sir Herbert Anstin. K.B.E. (Austin S).

A. R. Samuel (M.G. Midget S). Class IL

Major A. T. G. Gardner (M.G. Magnette 5).

H. L. Maddick (M.G. Magnate S).


W. A. Cuthbert (Cuthbert Special). R. T. Horton (M.G. Magnette S).

G. E. T. Eyston (M.G. Magnette S).

G. E. 1′. E’yston (M.G. Magnette S). A. F. Ashby (Riley).

H. G. Dobbs (Riley). F. W. Dixon (Riley).

F. W. Dixon (Riley). K. A. Maxwell (Appleton Special). A. H. Boyd (M.G. Magnette S) P. L. Donkin (M. G. Magnett,S. C. E. C. Martin (M.G. Magiti” G. F. Manby-Colegrave (M.G. Magiiette J. L. Ford (M.G. Magnette

E. R. Hall (M.G. Magitette S).

Class F. C. Penn Hughes (Aston-Martiit). Victor Riley (Riley),

J. D. Greaves (Aston-Martin). J. D. Petit (Aston-Martin).

F. W. Dixon (Riley).

Anne, Lady Selsdon (Frazer-Nash).

Class E. A. W. Fox (Singer). Class D. A. P. Hamilton and N. Black,: ,

Whitney Straight (Maserati 5).

Clan O.

R. R. Marker (Bentley).

Kaye Don (Bugatti S).

ikaniny Hann (Hann Special Mercede).

Class B.

;Ipt. Woolf Barnato (Barliato-Hassan Special). Class A. John Cobb (Napier-Railton Special).

Not Classified.

Sir Malcolm Campbell (–). 1Vhitney Straight (Dusenherg). E. K. kayson (—).


In the August issue of ” Motor Sport,” we published a diagram of a speedometer which was described as an A.T. instrument. We are informed by British Jaeger Instruments, Ltd., that the speedometer in question, was actually a Jaeger. and we hasten to express our apologies for the error in our caption.