

The annual High-speed Trial will be held on September 8th, starting in the morning with a One Hour ” blind ” for cars. This will be followed lw a series of two-lap handicap and one-lap scratch races, then the second (Inc Hour Speed Trial, and finally the Team Relay races. Altogether a full day’s sport. Full particulars can be obtained frcm the Secretary. Mr. J. A. Masters, 22. Norland Square, London, W. 11.


A fine entry of 88 cars was received for the London to Barnstaple Trial, held on August 4th. A good idea was the alternative given to competitors of either having a night-section run from Hampton Court or of joining in at Minehead for the

hilly part of the trial. Doverhay was the first of the six observed hills, and caused six failures, among them being such experienced people as M. NV. B. May (Alvis), H.. J. Ripley (Alvis) and Alan C. Hess (British Salmson.). Edbrooke came next, but troubled no one at all. Taw Steps was not so easy, however, brought 17 cars to a standstill. Lynmouth Station Hill was in such good condition that most cars toured up quite easily, although NV. A. V. Davis (Volseley Hornet) and Mrs. L. (;;Irstin (Alla-Romeo)

failed to cope VI /ill it. Lyn Hill is distinguished by its acute hairpin, and cars of Over eight feet wheelbase were allowed to reverse. Rain caused a little difficulty, and altogether there were 23 failures. Beggars Roost was the last hill, made more difficult than is usual in the summer by a slippery surface. There were some good performances made here, and some very bad ones, the difference generally being a question of choosing the right path. A surprising failure was C. V. Glass (Singer Le Mans), while few people expected J. H. Summerfield to stop with

his Magnette. Near Hunter’s Inn a special timed test was held, in which the fastest time was made by J. R. H. Baker and A. H. Langley, both driving I,e Mans Singers in 32.6 secs. The cars had to Stop on a hairpin bend, restart, and stop again on a line farther up-the hill. Second fastest was P. F. Parker (Lancia) in 33 seconds, followed by A. R. Samuel (Lancia) and J. A. Robinson (Lancia). Here are the full results :-

gurbiton Cap.—Tie, A. R. Samuel (Lancia) and J, A. Robinson (Lancia).

Spikias Cup (Team Prize).—A. K. Sauniel (Lancia), .1. A. Robinson (Lancia) and J. D. Stewart (Lancia). First Class Awards.—R. A. Maederrnid (M.G.),

C. M. Davis (Austin), F. A. Thatcher (Singer), K. G. Marsh (Triumph), R. J. W. Appleton (Singer), M. H. Lawson (Singer), M. G. Billingliam (Singer), C. W. S. Crabbe (M.G.), j. H. Sununerfield (M.G. NIagnette), R. I). Evans (M.G.), Miss D. B. M. Evans (M.G.).

D. G. Evans (M.G.), J. R. H. Baker (Singer), A. H. Langley (Singer), H. W. Johnson (Singer). K. G. Cotton (Singer), J. F. Parker (Lancia), W. R. K. Silcock (Frazer Nash), R. J. Richarchion (Austin). J. A. Driskell (B. N. C. Special).

Second Class Awards.—6. May (Alvis), M. NV. B. May kAlvis), i. G. C. Bond 01(4r:is Minor), W. E. C. Greenleaf

kAlvis), i. G. C. Bond 01(4r:is Minor), W. E. C. Greenleaf Moms Minor), A. T. K. 1.)ebenham (Singer), Miss C. Mason (Singer), C. A. N. May (M.G.), E. H. Bonfield (M.G.). Miss E. Blathwayt (Austin), Miss 1′. Blathwayt (M.G.), R. L. Appleton (Singer), A. W. V. Smith (M.G.), „I. H. Hibbitt (M.G.), M. D. England (Singer). J. A. Bastock (M.G.), N. V. Terry (Frazer Nash),

C. S. Parrott (Singer), C. B. (Lancia), 1). Silcock (Masendag), A. K. Hunt (M.G.), FL E. V. Maddrell (M.G.). .1. E. S. .lones (M.G.), A. C. Imhof (Singer), W. C. Lockhart (Singer), C. H. Newman (Singer),.

BRIGHTON AND HOVE M.C. Trials will held

The Brighton Speed Trials will be held this year on Saturday. September 15th. As in the past, the Course will be the Madeira Drive, the timed distance being half a mile. Only racing and sports cars will be eligible, no touring cars being allowed. The road is 50 feet wide. and the cars will race in pairs. Cash prizes will be given as well as cups and trophies, the driver making the fastest time of the day receiving a cheque for ten pounds. Class winner will receive three guineas.

The first event will take place at 10.30 a.m. and the morning will be taken up by the classes for sports cars and threewheelers. After an interval of one hour the racing cars and motor-cycles will have their turn, followed, if time permits, by a second run for the former.


The Annual Mount Venus Hill Climb will take place on .Saturday, September 8th, starting at 2.30 p.m. In addition to motor-cycle events, there will be classes for Cars as follows :–Up to 1,500 c.c. handicap, open handicap, and open scratch. Entries close on Monday, September 3rd, and the fees vary from 5s. to 4s. The hill is roughly 800 yards long, and has a stiff gradient. In the middle of the climb there is a 50 m.p.h. ” S ” bend, and so far the fastest climb has been made by a supercharged Austin Seven at an average speed of 46 m.p.h.

A short rolling start of 100 feet is used. Further particulars can be obtained from the Hon. Secretary, Mr. S. D. Campbell. Dublin University Motor Cycle and Light Car Club, Trinity College, Dublin.


The Phamix Park Races, which have been a great Success for the past two years, will be held once more on September 15th. There will be two separate races, the Senior and Junior, the latter starting at 3 o’clock, and the former at 4.30 p.m. The engine capacity limit for the Junior race has been fixed at 1,100 c.c., and both races will be run on a handicap basis. The Phcenix Park circuit measures 4 miles 460 yards, and the races will be run over 18 and 24 laps respectively. The chief awards are the Wakefield Trophy and a cheque for £25 for the winner, £15 for the second and £10 for

the third men home. All cars are eligible, of any type, as long as they arc not fitted with saloon bodies. The only fuel permissible is petrol, with an admixture pf benzol.

Further particulars may be obtained from the Secretary, Mr. C. J. Walsh, 1-2, Foster Place, Dublin.


The Open Hill Climb at Shelsley Walsh on Septerriber 29th will be the 32nd of the series. As Willa’ there W.._ ., h

e two categories, for racing and sports cars, divided into classes up to 850 c.c., 1,100 c.c., 1,500 c.c., 2,000 c.c., 3,000 c.c., 5,000 C.c. and unlimited. The principal award of the event is the Shelsley International Championship Cup and a cheque for £100, for the driver making the fastest time of the day. Besides this handsome award there are many others, and a special new one, the NI.A.C. Ladies. Cup for the lady making the fastest climb on a sports car. Racing starts at 1 p.m.

Entries close on Thursday, September 20th. and forms can be obtained from the Secretary, Mr. Leslie Wilson, 415, Stratford Road, Birmingham.


The Speed Trials held every year on the Race Hill, Lewes, always attract a good entry. This year the event takes place on September 8th. starting at 1,30 p.m. The hill is about a third of a mile in length, with a very slight gradient. In addition to the Bugatti Club members, the Speed Trials are open to members of the Kent and Sussex, the Frazer-Nash and the Lagonda clubs. There will be classes for touring, sports and racing cars, and there will be special awards for members making the fastest time on various types of Bugatti cars.

The Hon. Trials Secretary is Mr. J. K. W. Baines, Wadhurst, Links Avenue, (,idea Park, Essex. THE SOUTHPORT MOTOR RACING


CLUB. Owing to the state of the sands, the

race meeting originally Ii for September 1st has been cancelled. The next race meeting will be on September 29th and it is hoped that there will be a really good beach for the event.

The Secretary is Mr. M. D. Ball, 2, Post Office Avenue, Southport.


The new Harrow Car Club is now’ in full swing, and the offices of President and Vice-President have been accepted by Mr. S. C. H. Davis and Mr. T. G. Moore, respectively.

All communications should be addressed to the Secretary, Kvnaston Court, Box Tree Road, Harrow Weald.