


Our American Correspondent T. MERIWETHER-SMITH

BILLY WINN, intrepid Kansas City driver, was the winner of the late July race over the dirt track at Harrington, Delaware, outspeeding a fine field of dirt track drivers.

Lloyd Vieux, of Los Angeles, was killed in a crack-up at Atlanta in July.

Ab Jenkins, famous record breaking star, was all set early in August for his attempts at new 24-hour and 48-hour records on the Utah lake tieds at Salduro. Jenkins has made several test runs in his giant streamlined Pierce-Arrow. Contrary to popular belief, Jenkins’ car last year, in which he shattered several mild records, was not a streamlined job, but merely a stripped Pierce-Arrow.

The astonishing rise of midget auto racing on the Pacific coast has awakened interest in Eastern sections of the States, and a series of events were held at an airport near New York City in August. There are also prospects of midget racing in Florida and the mid-west this year. Arvol Brill-inner and Mel Kenealv are two famous AAA pilots who have recently turned to midget racing.

The famous 5/8’s-mile dirt speedway at Ascot Park, in Los Angeles, has been replaced by a flat half-mile course, cut inside the old oval. In the first two races held Over this track Rex Mays proved the winner, but was hard pushed by -Floyd Roberts. The new track is proving popular with the spectators and drivers alike.

A 200-mile stock car road race will be held over the famous Mines Field road track, Los Angeles, on September 3rd. First entries were those of ” Stubby ” Stubblefield, Rex Mays. and Arvol Brun mier. William Pickens, for over twenty-five years well known as a publicity man in motor racing circles, died last month in a Los Angeles hospital. Pickens stepped on a nail at the new Mines Field road course the day of its inaugural race late

last year. Infection set in, and an operation for removal of the leg proved in vain, and the colourful, much-loved Alabamian died. He was once publicity man for such internationally known drivers as Barney Oldfield, Henry Ford, Ray Keech, and others.

Benny Hill, the diminutive Detroit driver famous during the board track racing era in America, is now competing in national power boat races. Hill, at the wheel of the famous power boat, ” Hornet,” was leading the recent Gold Cup races in New York when motor trouble forced him from the contest. It was won by the famous ” El Legarto,” driven by Reis. -According to Associated Press dispatches, Hill’s driving in the second heat was the sensation of the races, and his skill and daring on the curves had the spectators wildly cheering.

Bob Sall was the winner of the Pottstown races last month in his Vance Special. A warm contest for the Eastern dirt track title is being waged among Sall, Johnny Hannon, Billy Winn and Ken Fowler.