front of the pits


in front of the pits. The Club-house will be built on the lines of a local Sussex tithe barn.

Everyone will wish the promoters luck in their efforts to bring about a road circuit suitable for Grand Prix-races in this country.


There seems every possibility of the new Q type M.G. Midget becoming an historic car in the progress of automobile history. A 750 c.c. car capable of 120 m.p.h., that can be bought by the general public for as little as £550 is an achievement of which the M.G. Car Company has every reason to be extremely proud. The now model is already winning its spurs in the competition field. Last

month W. G. Everitt made an attempt on the 750 c.c. standing mile and kilo.metre records, which were previously held by E. R. Hall on an earlier type Midget. The “Q” cafrie through the test with flying colours, and set up new figures for both distances, as follows :—Kilometre 69.75 m.p.h., mile 79.88 m.p.h., both speeds being an average of a. run in each direction. Hall’s speeds were 67.21 m.p.h. and 74.74 m.p.h. A week previously, R. T. Horton was down at Wev bridge for an attempt on the standing mile record in Class C (up to

1,100 c.c.). Driving his single-seater K. 3 Magnette, Horton set up a new speed of 83.2 m.p.h., as against the previous figure of 74.57 m.p.h., made by H. T. H. Clayton’s Athilcar. .