

N entirely new type of safety glass has been introduced by the Triplex Safety Glass Company, and is already being fitted to 1934 export models of several well-known British makes. This new glass is made by a special electrical heat-treatment process which transforms its texture. The glass does not fly when broken like ordinary glass ; It merely crumbles away into crystals, suggestive of coarse sugar and so shaped that they can be handled. Known as Triplex Toughened, it is remarkably strong and flexible, and will resist wide extremes of climate. It is not harmed by sudden changes in the

weather, and the sun’s rays will not affect its appearance or its physical qualities.

Unlike other types of safety glass, Triplex Toughened consists of one pane only, and can thus be guaranteed against discoloration, blisters, and other defects which may arise in laminated types of glass when used in hot countries. Within wide limits, this new glass can be twisted and bent without breaking. It will bear a load three or four times as great as that needed to break ordinary glass of the same thickness, and in actual tests a pane measuring 45 inches by 10 inches and only one quarter of an inch

thick, supported the weight of five girls” A steel ball which smashed ordinary glass when dropped from a height of only nine inches had to be dropped from a height of 156 inches before it smashed a pane of Triplex Toughtened of exactly the same thickness.

In a heat test, molten lead registering a temperature of 620 degrees Fahrenheit, nearly three times that of boiling water, was poured on one side of a test sheet of glass, and as soon as it had set, cold water was poured on the other side without damaging the pane. The glass has been successfully tested to 15 degrees below zero, of 47 degrees of frost.