Bugatti Club One-Day Trial. A New Mid-Surrey Club Trial.


Bugatti Club One-Day Trial.

REGULATIONS are now available for the One-Day Trial to be organised by the Bugatti Owners’ Club on September 10th. The course will be approximately 200 miles in length, starting from the Beach Arms Hotel, Oakley, near Basingstoke, at 10 a.m. and finishing at the Cricketers’ Arms, Bagshot, Surrey, where the first competitor will arrive at about 6.30 p.m. The observed hills have not yet been announced. There will be an acceleration test, a starting test, and an acceleration and braking test, in addition to the usual timed checks. The route will not be marked, competitors having to follow the route-card for their directions.

Entries must be sent to the Hon. Trials Secretary, Mr. W. K. Faulkner, Wootton, Esher, Surrey, before the first post, September 2nd.

Lancegaye Branch in Birmingham.

The Lancegaye Safety Glass Ltd., have opened a new branch at 125, Bristol Street, Birmingham, and supplies of Lancegaye glass in any size or shape can now be obtained from that address. At a recent visit we were greatly impressed by this new organisation, which is now in full swing.

The Vory of Brooklands.

An interesting and most welcome addition to the motor-racing bookshelf will be available on September 11th, publication date of “Wheels Take Wings,” by Michael C. Burn, in collaboration with A. Percy Bradley.

In a Foreword graciously contributed to the book, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales says, ” This book will show how Brooklands has helped in the development of these British industries the products of which now lead the world.”

The story of how the Track came to be built, and the trials and difficulties of pioneers at Weybridge both on the concrete and in the air have been entertainingly recounted by the authors, from 1907 up to the present day.

“Wheels take Wings” will be published by G. F. Foulis & Co., Ltd., price 7s. 6d. from whom an advance leaflet concerning the book can be obtained.

A New Mid-Surrey Club Trial.

Advance details are now available of the Experts Invitation Trial, which will be run by the Mid-Surrey A.C. on October 7th, the last day of Summer Time. The idea underlying the organisation of the trial will be to stage a strictly unofficial, individual and team championship event.

The course will be a ” closed” circuit, only to be revealed at the last moment, and in order to keep competitors on a strictly level footing, the order of running will be decided by ballot. The Start and Finish point will be ” somehwere in Devon” probably at a popular seaside resort and to be followed by a social function.


An impressive array of awards has been secured, including the Glikstein Trophy for the best individual performance, the Low Trophy for the runner-up, the Mellano Trophy for the one-make car team and the Ballards Trophy for the best club team. These awards represent a total value of six hundred pounds odd.

Regulations can be obtained from Mr. R. C. Porter, 159, Castelnau, London, S.W.13.

Amazing Pierce-Arrow Records.

Ab Jenkins, famous hill-climb and city-to-city record holder in America, added a fine series of new marks to his list in August when he blazed his PierceArrow 12-cylinder roadster over the Salt Lake beds of

Utah to 35 United States records and 25 International class records.

Jenkins covered 3,000 miles at an average speed of slightly better than 118 m.p.h. (writes our American correspondent), and attained a top speed of 128.1 m.p.h. The trials were under official sanction of the American Automobile Association, and are expected to receive confirmation by the International body.

The car, a Pierce-Arrow roadster with fenders, top, and windshield removed was stock except for high-compression cylinder head, over-head camshaft, and. a higher rear-axle gear ratio. The PierceArrow 12-cylinder engine developed 207 horse power.