

Magnificent Victory of Whitney -Straight (M.G. Magnette) in the i,ioo c,c. category over

difficult course.

THE race for the Coppa Acerb°, named after the famous Minister of Agriculture, is one of the favour ite events on the Italian calendar and on August 13th this year attracted an enormous crowd of 50,000 spectators. The course is a difficult one set in the

Abruzzis near Pescara, and measures 25i kilometres. Two races are run, the first of four laps for cars of under 1,100 c.c., and the second of 12 laps for cars of unlimited capacity. In the first event an international aspect was provided by the appearance of Whitney Straight and Bernard Rubin, both on

1VIagnettes. Against them were ranged an array of 1,100 c.c. Maseratis. At 8.40 a.m. the start was given by His Excellency Starace, Secretary of the Fascist Party, and immediately Straight made full use of the wonderful acceleration of the M.G. Magnette to establish a useful lead. He was closely pursued by Barbierri, on a Maserati, but Straight kept ahead by making the fastest lap of the race in 12m. 28s. The Italian crowd was greatly impressed by the speed of the British cars, this being the first Grand Prix type race in Italy in which an English car and driver has competed since the War. Straight successfully staved off the fierce challenge of Barbierri, and crossed the line first in a wonderful finish, 1 /5th of a second ahead of his rival.


1. Straight (M.G. Magnette), 50m. 23 1/5s. Average speed 121.740 k.p.h. or 75.918 m.p.h.

2. Barbierri (Maserati), 50m. 23 2/5s.

3. Eurnamik (Maserati), 51m. 4 3/5s.

4. Malagutti (Maseruti), 51m. 50 4/5s.

5. Cecchini (Maserati), 51.57 1/5s.

6. Rubin (31.G. Magnette), 1 b. 2m. 1 /5s. The big race of the day presented a most interesting problem to the excited spectators, for although the long-awaited 2,800 c.c. Bugattis were non-starters, all the Italian crack drivers were taking part. In addition the recent re-shuffling of drivers gave the race an unusual flavour for Nuvolari was to drive a Maserati, Fagioli a monoposto Alfa Romeo and Campari a Maserati. Great Britain was represented by Earl Howe with his 2.3 litre Bugatti, and altogether the field represented all that was best in Continental Grand Prix racing At 10 o’clock the start was given by the Duke of Aosta, accompanied by His Excellency Acerbo himself. The huge Campari, with his single-seater Maserati, made the fastest getaway as he was in the front row, and the howling, clamouring pack disappeared from sight in a haze of blue smoke. The fierceness of the race may be indicated by the fact that at the end of the first lap Nuvolari was barely a length ahead of Campari, both drivers straining every nerve to obtain the utmost from their cars. Then, at a short distance,

came Taruffi (Maserati), Fagioli (Alfa Romeo), Varzi (Bugatti), Zehender (Maserati), Dreyfus (Bugatti) and the rest of the field. Borzaccliini had to retire on the first lap with his 2.6 litre Alfa Romeo. Campari was thoroughly roused by the fact of Nuvolari being ahead, and for eight laps these two fought a terrific duel, first one and then the other being in the lead as they passed the stands. Then Campari failed to appear, and his retirement was officially made known. This gave Nuvolari a breather, which his old rival Fagioli was quick to take advantage of, for he crept up until only a minute separated the two cars. Nuvolari was safe, barring a pit-stop, and this is precisely what happened, the famous Tazio having to stop for a few precious minutes at his pit. So Fagioli was now in the lead, followed by Taruffi, Dreyfus having retired. Nuvolari soon caught Taruffi, however, but Fagioli was a good way

ahead, and won comfortably by 2m. 26s. Nuvolari had the consolation of having made the fastest lap in 10m. 31 4/5s.


1. Fagioli (Alfa Romeo 2,600 c.c.), 2h. 9m. 25 2/5s. Average speed 141.666 k.p.h. or 88.537 m.p.h.

2. Nuvolari (Maserati 3,000 c.c.), 2h. Ilm. 35 3/5s.

3. Taruffi (Maserati 3,000 c.c.), 2h. urn. 26 3/5s.

4. Varzi (Bugatti 2,300 c.c.), 2h. 13m. 24 3/5s.

5. Earl Howe (Delage 1,500 c.c.), 2h. 23m. 26s.

6. Pellegrini (Alfa Romeo 2,300 c.c.).

7. Mlle. Helle-Nice (Bugatti 2,000 c.c.).