club news, September 1933


Roberts (Essex), 1, 3; M. H. Taylor (Alvis), I, 3; R. Carr (Austin Seven), 4, 5.

Key to Failures.-1, Fingle Bridge ; 2, Windcut ; 3, Sinuns ; 4, Pepperdon ; 5, Buckland.


ANEW note in trial-titles was struck by the Club in their first” Pilgrimage to Plymouth” Trial, held on July 20th. In order to cater both for the social and the sporting side of the Club’s activities alternative courses were set for competitors, one being a ” Dartmoor ” route and the other over by-roads. It turned out that the Plymouth people

are still of an adventurous turn of mind for out of 36 entrants, only 6 choose the easier route, and all these regretted their choice afterwards. Some good hills were included in the 76 miles route, the first being Windout. None of the cars, which had left Bedford Square, Exeter, at 9 a.m. on Thursday, experienced any trouble here, but the notorious Fingle Bridge was a real stumbling block. The surface was not wet, as it was in the ” Exeter,” but very rough and loose. Nine people failed, while outstanding performances were made by W. P. Uglow (March Special Hillman Minx), J. K. Bennetts (Morris Minor), F. G. Bolt and W. H. Edwards (Singer Nines), A. E. Holmes (Triumph) and G. H. Turnbull (Riley). Then came Pepperdon, on which only

one car failed, but the next hill, Simms, brought 8 cars to rest, all through lack of power on the long climb. No more trouble was experienced, for Bucklandin-the-Moor and Grenofen were both quite easy. And so the end of the Trial, or rather Pilgrimage, was reached at the Guildhall, Plymouth. An additional event, quite distinct from

the Trial, was held the next day. A complicated series of manuvres was carried out by each car, calling for skill on the part of the driver, combined with good braking, acceleration and steering of the car. Best of all was R. P. Gardner, with a 2 litre supercharged Lagon.da, recording a time of lin. 21s. He was closely pressed by W. P. Uglow’s little Hillman Minx, which took one second longer, while a good performance was made by H. Hodgkinson (M.G. J2), in lm. 26.4s. As Civic Week was being celebrated

at Plymouth, the competitors finished up a most enjoyable spell with a ” cruise ” round the docks by steamer, followed by a dance ar d reception by the Mayor of Plymoulb.


First-class Awards.—P. J. Bolt (Singer Nine Sports), W. IL Edwards (Singer Nine Sports), W. P. Uglow (March Special Hillman Minx), C. j. Ireson-Robinson (Alvis), R. Harper (Vauxhitl Twelve-Six), H. Hearn (52 M.G.), 5. K. Bennetts (Morris Minor), G. H. Turnbull (Riley), R. Lumby (Singer Nine), G. E. Holmes (Triumph), Miss Shelagh Richardson (Ford V8), A. Powys-Lybbe (Talbot) E. Lewis (Riley), 3. C. Wilson(Riley), C. F. H. Thriscutt (Ford V8), Miss X. M. Webb (Singer Nine Sports). Second-class Awards.—E. J. Stephens (Triumph), 1, 3; H. H. Oak-Rhind (52 M.G.), 1, 3; G. F. Connell (M.G. Midget), 1, 3; A. E. Sadler (M.G.), ; R. P. Gardner (I,agonda), 1 ; Miss N. M. Hill Morris Major), 1; C. A. Miles (Wolseley Hornet),

3; T. A. Found (Wolseley Hornet), 1, 3. Rstired.–K. P. Apps (Morris-Cowley), 2; J.


The Drewett Trophy Trial proved a most enjoyable event, being a happy combination of severity and good organisation. A heavy shower of rain raised the hopes of officials that the hills might be difficult, but the surfaces were unaffected. Chequers Lane was the ” bete-noir ” of most people, who found the clay rather too tenacious. An acceleration test on Kop Hill served to weed out competitors, fastest time being made by J. S. Robertson’s J2 Midget in 9 seconds.

A water splash at Rubridge Ford stopped three cars, in spite of the fact that it was mid-summer. Nine people spoiled their chances of winning the Drewett Trophy by losing marks on the Mott Mill Hill restart test, and finally W. H. Haden (J2 Midget) made fastest time in an acceleration test held near Crowborough, his time being 7.8 seconds.

RESULTS. and M. Davis

Clayton Trophy and Replica.—C. M. Davis (747 c.c. Austin), lost no marks. Drewitt Trophy and Replica.–M. H. Lawson (972 c.c. Singer Sports), lost no marks.

First-clan Awards.-11. M. Avery (972 c.c. Singer Sports), R . T. Gardner (847 c.c. M.G.), lost no marks ; W. H. Austin (1,075 c.c. B.S.A. three-wheeler), lost one mark ; H. R. Winnicott (847 c.c. M.G. 32) and W. E. C. Greenleaf (847 c.c. Morris Minor), lost five marks. Second-class Awards.–J. S. Robertson (847 c.c. M.G.), G. M. Denton (3,260 c.c. Ford), E. W. Quero (972 c.c, Singer Sports), T. W. Passett (972 c.c. Singer Sports), C. V. Wells (1,089 c.c. Riley Gamecock), W. J. B. Richardson (972 c.c. Singer Sports), lost /0 marks

Team Awards.—Brighton and Hove Motor Club, No. 2 team (Quero, Lawson and Passett), lost 20 marks. Runners-up, North-West London Motor Club (Richardson, Wells and Greenleaf), lost 25 marks.


Mr. Alan C. Hess, the Secretary of the M.G. Car Club, has notified us of his change of address from 62, London Road, Reading, to Friars Cottage, Clive Road, Esher, Surrey. His telephone number is now Esher 269.


The London to Barnstaple Trial, started ten years ago by a handful of enthusiasts, has now found a very enviable place on the trials calendar. This state of affairs is altogether very satisfactory, for the Club does not in any way boast a large organsing staff. In spite of this, the Trial this year was run off without a hitch, the entry being 51 cars, and the course including Grabhurst, Doverhay, Lynton, Lyn, Beggar’s Roost, Hookway, Yealscombe and Kipscon2be.

It was a perfect summer midnight -when the first man set off from Thames Ditton. Just before dawn occasional mist was encountered, but once the sun came up perfect weather held for the rest of the trial.

As usual on West Country Trials, Grabhurst was the curtain-raiser, causing no one any trouble except Mrs. Vaughan, who slightly bent her Standard. Doverhay was likewise easy, and only H. M. Avery stopped, the new pistons of his Singer Nine becoming inseparably attached to the cylinder bores. Before reaching Lynton. (nowadays so easy) an acceleration and brake test was held, and in this the fastest time was made by R. A, McDermid (J2 Midget) with a time of 23 seconds. Following Lynton came Lyn, with two awkward corners. Among so many good performances it was difficult to pick out honours,” but we made note of first-class climbs by R. Gaspar (Vale Special),

J. G. C. Bond (Morris Minor), C. 0. Fitt (J2 Midget), Mrs.. Vaughan (Standard). F. A. Thatcher (Triumph), all the Singers and the consistent M.G. Midgets.

The “Roost,” dry as bone and uncrowded, was easy, as was the next hill, Hookway. Competitors were not to have it all their own way, though, for the organisers had made sure of an adequate watersplash at the foot of Yealscombe by means of a dam. This goodly depth of water accounted for J. Selwyn (Singer) and C. G. Pitt (J2 Midget), while the hill accounted for three M.G. failures in A. W. Smith and J. A. Bostock on Midgets, and R. G. Ross-Turner on a Magna.

Kipscombe was the last hill, but caused no difficulty except to A. Powys-Lybbe, whose 30/98 Vauxhall proved to have so much power that wheelspin set in on the first bend. This caused Mrs. Vaughan to be baulked, but her Standard restarted without difficulty.

Winding lanes led back to Barnstaple, to a greatly needed lunch, and an exchange of yarns. Our congratulations to the organisers.

RESULTS. Best Car Performance,—R. A. Macdennid

Best Car Performance,—R. A. Macdennid (M.G. Midget 52). Runner-up, W. 3. B. Richardson (Singer Nine). Best Performance by Member of Mid-SurreyA.C.: F. A. Thatcher (Triumph Southern Cross). Team Prize : The Die ‘Ards—V. R. 0. Spikins (Singer), L. Sandford (Singer), F. A. Thatcher (Triumph Southern Cross). First-class Awards.—W. J. B. Richardson (Singer), F. A. Thatcher (Triumph), I,. Sandford (Singer), R. A. Macdermid (M.G. Midget), C.M. Davis (Austin),

K. D. Evans (M.G. Midget), C. V. Wells (Riley), F. R. G. Spikins (Singer), J. G. C. Bond (Morris Minor).

M. NV. B. May (Alvis), R. Gaspar (Vale Special), H. P. Wilmot (M.G. Magna), R. S. Norem (M.G. Magna), G. Rory-Writer (Singer), L. Garstin (M.G. Midget)..

WagnerT (Morris Minor), L. B. C. Hall (Singer), P. Gorna (Riley), A. B. Langley (M.G. Midget), 5. IL Clutterbuck (Singer), J. R. Baker (Singer), T. E. Price (Singer), W. A. V. Davis (Wolseley Hornet), T. C. Taylor (M.G. Midget), Miss Joan W. Bowman (Singer), W. E. C. Greenleaf (Morris Minor). Second-class Awards.—I,. Audiger (Riley), A. Powys-Lybbe (Vauxhall), G. G. May (Alvis), A. C. Fairtlough (A.C. Acedes), J. Selwyn (Singer), TAM M. Vaughan (Standard), A. W. Smith (M.G. Midget), M. T. U. Collier (M.G. Midget), P. L. Newall (Morris Minor), J. A. Bastock, (M.G. Midget).

Third-class Awards.—C. G. Fitt (M.G. Midget), R. G. Ross-Turner (M.G. Magna), J. A. Kemsley (Singer).