

Filtrate Sports Oil is well known to our readers for its ability to withstand prolonged high engine speeds without losing its viscosity—and a consequent drop in oil pressure. Messrs. Ed. Joy & Sons, Ltd., of Leeds, the manufacturers of Filtrate oils, have recently received the following letters from a member of the staff of our contemporary, the” Autocar,” which strikingly illustrate the good quality of Filtrate Sports Oil. The car referred to was an Austin Seven and the letters run as follow : J. A. Middleton-Joy, Esq., Filtrate Works,

Leeds. Dear Sir,

In reply to yours of the 23rd inst. The mention in last week’s ” Autocar “

was as you guessed, in reference to my experiences with your oil. There is very little to add.

The oil pressure remains high over all conditions. I have been out on the road with the express desire to disprove your claims that the pressure would remain ” up ” but after much ” revving ” and high speed I had to admit that I was unsuccessful. The pressure remained” up.”

As regards consumption I can only say that it is most surprisingly economical. I have not yet used half a gallon, an,d the car is used every day. Yours truly,

(Signed) BARRY APPLEBY. Dear Sir, In November last I had the pleasure of

testing your Sports ” Filtrate” Oil on behalf of the • Autocar,” in my Sports Austin Seven.

As this test is now concluded I am sure that you will be pleased to learn the result. I covered a total mileage of 11,123 miles on the five gallons which you sent me, always at high engine speeds. This figure is more than twice that obtained by any other make of oil which I have tried.

On dismantling the engine the Austin Service Station passed the cylinder walls, pistons, and bearings as in perfect condition.

May I congratulate you on the introduction of this oil. Yours sincerely, (Signed) BARRY APPLEB