

ENTRIES for the Tourist Trophy Race to be run by the R.A.C. over the Ards circuit, Belfast, on September 2nd have closed with a total of thirtythree.

A last minute event of outstanding iMportance has been the nomination of the famous Italian driver, Tazio Nuvolari, to pilot the M.G. Magnette entered by Whitney Straight. This is the first time that the Italian ace has ever driven a British car in a road-race.

Let us consider the entries in the various classes. In Class 3 there will be two Invictas, handled respectively by A. C. Lace, head of the Invicta concern, and a Portuguese driver named Vasel Sameiro. Class 4 will provide a Maserati-Alfa Romeo duel, for Whitney Straight will pit his very fast Maserati against three Alfa Romeos to be driven by the Hon. Brian Lewis, winner of the Mannin Moar, Earl Howe, Britain’s chief representative in Continental racing, and T. E. Rose Richards. A good scrap should result. In Class 6, up to 1,500 c.c. we .find four “

works” 6 cyl. Rileys, all very fast, and to be handled by C. R. Whitcroft, last year’s winner of the race, G. E. T. Eyston, who finished second a year ago, C. S. Staniland and E. McLure. The only other competitor in this class is ” V. Karachi,” a regular T.T. driver, with his 8 cyl. f.w.d. Alvis.

As we get to the smaller classes so the entry list increases. In Class 7, up to 1,100 c.c., there are 9 entrants, five M.G. Magnettes against four Riley Nines, and the rivalry between these two factions will be really keen. The respective leaders will be Nuvolari and Freddie Lixon, and the Middlesbrough man can be depended upon to put up a stiff resistance to the Italian. The fiery Victor GWow will be hot on their heels, his Magnette rival being R. T. Horton, backed up by G. F. A. Manby-Colegrave, E. R. Hall, and R. A. Yallop. W. R. Baird and II. C. Dobbs complete the Riley contingent.

The 750’s are composed of 9 M.G. Midgets and 2 Sullivan special Morris Minors. Although lacking in make-rivalry, this class should provide some spirited internecine warfare, with such drivers as H. C. Hamilton, 750 c.c. lap record holder, and S. A. Crabtree, in addition to S. W. B. Hailwood, L. Fontes, T. Simister, H. R..

Attwood, J. L. Ford, K. Mansell, W. Sullivan, R. A. Jensen and. J. G. C. Low.

The principal prizes in the Tourist Trophy Race this year are the R.A.C. Tourist Trophy, the cash prizes amounting to £1,500 presented by Sir William Morris, Bt., the trophies for the two group winners presented by Lord Wakefield, and the Vacuum Oil Co., respectively, and the team prize presented by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Ltd.

The cars will run without wings, hood, screen or lamps, but are definitely limited as to the number of alterations permitted from standard design and specification.

The complete list of entries will be found in the accompanying panel.