

Specialising in the Re-conditionin.g and Tuning of the Famous ” 30 98 “


IT is now four years since the Vauxhall concern turned out their last chassis of their famous “30-98 ” model, and their decision to cease manufacture was a matter for real regret amongst a vast number of sports car enthusiasts.

But any one who thinks that the 30-98 h.p. Vauxhall has seen its day would do well to pay a visit to Messrs. Crackington Motors, who can be found at The Avenue, Welwyn, a turning off the Barnet By-Pass just past The Clock House (going from London). Here they will find examples of 30-98’s which must surely convince them that this is a model which makes some of our modern sports cars take a back seat.

This firm is specialising in altering the body of the old ” Velox ” type to make it almost identical to that of the ” Wensom, ‘ the alterations being the fitting of semi close-up mudguards, a cut-away for the driver’s arm, and the fitting of a different spare wheel bracket at the rear, which mounts the wheel at an angle in the approved modern style. A raked, one-piece windscreen is also fitted. The ” 30-98 ” advocate is a difficult man to please and he will not be particularly impressed by the mere

fact that alterations have been made to the outward appearance of the car, however attractive the finished article may be, and this fact has not been overlooked as the chassis is completely stripped and every part examined before the car is sold. As to the question of maximum speed we are told most emphatically that any ” 30-98 ” which they have re-conditioned and does not clock a speed of 80 m.p.h. is not considered to be in good order. When one realises that some of these cars have more than eight years’ service to their credit one is inclined to feel, perhaps, that the performance of some of the sports cars of to-day is not so remarkable as we sometimes imagine.