Dutch Motorcycle T.T.


Dutch Motorcycle T.T.

In the Dutch Motorcycle T.T. at Assen, all three classes were won by British riders on British machines. In addition, British riders secured second and third place and in only one case was a foreign machine placed at all.

P. Hunt (Norton), S. Woods (Norton) and H. G. Tyrell Smith (Rudge) respectively won the 500 c.c., the 350 c.c. and the 250 c.c. races. In addition P. Hunt secured the world’s motorcycle lap record, averaging 85.5 m.p.h. Users of Castrol oil secured all three places in the 500 c.c. event, first and third in the 350 c.c. event, and first and second in the 250 c.c. race. Detailed results are as follows :

500 c.c.—First, P. Hunt (Norton) ; Second, G. E. Nott (Rudge) ; Third, S. Woods (Norton).

350 c.c.—First, S. Woods (Norton) ; Third, G. W. Walker (Rud.ge).

250 c.c.—First, H. G. Tyrell Smith (Rudge) , Second, E. A. Mellors (New Imperial).