

The Grand Prix du Comminges.

TO those sceptics who insist that motorracing can never be really popular with the general public, the Grand Prix du Comminges forms an irrefutable answer. Although only heldann.ually„ the organisers have seen their way to erecting

a new grandstand at Saint-Gaudens, made permanently of concrete, 232 metres in length, from which 15,000 spectators, all comfortably seated under cover, can watch a large part Of the circuit. Being sensible people, the organisers realise that they cannot hope to attract a large crowd unless all the most famous drivers are competing. At the same time they know that racing drivers, however, well off, will not go to the expense cf bringing their cars and mechanics a con siderable distance unless there is sufficient inducement in the way of prize-money. Accordingly 90,000 francs was Subscribed

for this purpose, with the result that a large crowd of comfortably seated spectators watched an exciting duel between some of France’s most famous drivers. The starters were : Over L5CO cm.-Etancelin (Alfa Romeo), Lehoux (Bugatti), de Maleplane (Maserati), Czaikowsku (Bugatti), Gaupil lat (Bugatti), Pesato (Alfa Romeo), Lormand (Bugatti), Blanc (Bugatti),

Mlle. Idle-Niee (Bugatti), Besaucelle (Ballot), Consiglio (Alfa-Romeo), GiraudCabanto:-.s (Bugatti), d’.Arnoux (Bugatti), Couzinie (Bugatti), Durand (Bugatti), Minangoy (Bugatti). 1.5C0 cm.-Delorme (Bugatti), Veyron (Bug titti), Ragot (Ragot), joly (Ma serati), Mine Itier (Bugatti), Antonio (Maserati), Meslon (Bugatti), Amade (Bugatti), Rey (Bugatti), Toselli (Bugatti). 1.100 cm.-Searon ‘(Amilear), Charier (B.-N.C.), Rongieras ( B . N. C.), Dem a zel

(Sahnson), Faure (Amilcar), Lena sine (Caban).

No ” Mercs.” In the absence of the Mercedes cars

In the absence of the Mercedes cars through a series of misfortunes it was obvious that the chief interest of the race Would lie in the renewal of the battle between Etancelin and Lehoux. A fortnight previously Etancelin had won on the Circuit of Dauphiny, and now Lehoux was anxious to have his revenge.

At the start Czaikowski jumped into the lead, and it was clear that -a very hot pace was going to be set, for on the first lap he broke the record with a speed. of 87 m.p.h. He was followed closely by I.ehoux, while hard on his heels came Etancelin. Next in order were Gaupillat, Giraud, Lontand, de Maleplane, D’Arnotix and Jay.

On the second lap Lehoux managed to pass Czaikowski, returning a rap speed of 1 lin. 7s. Etancelin was still third, followed by Giraud, Lomand, (:aupillat au (1 Jay. The rest of the field were beginning to string our round the 26 kilometres of the lap. On the third lap Lehoux was still in the lead, but Etancelin was right on the heels of Czaikowski. Gaupillat had sue

ceded lii repassing Loinauitl. but otherwise the order was the same. Scaron stopped fora few minutes, hut quickly set off again.

A Tremendous Duel. At this the for

At this stage the struggle for the lead was Wonderful to watch. Lehoux again broke the record for the eourse with a time of lim. 5s., but only 200 yards separated the first three cars. Etancelin had gradually crept up and Was now second. The terrific pace began to tell, and Toselli crashed badly on a corner near the grandstand, fortunately Without injury. Seldom has such tremendous rivalry been seen between the leaders of a ram, and one was reminded of the classic struggle between Nuvolari and Varzi at Spa. Both drivera were using all their skill and daring, while there was little to

choose between their machines, the 2,300 c.c. 8-cylinder Alfa-Roineo and the double overhead camshaft Bugatti. At the sixth lap the order was :

Over 1.500 c.c.-1, Lehoux, -average 140 km. 648; 2, Etancelin, very close behind, then Giraud-Cabantous, Lormand, d’Arnoux, de Maleplane, Gaupillat, Mlle. Helle-Nice, Blanc, Pesato.

1.500 cm.-1, I-01y, average 124 km. 469; Veyron, Antonio, Rey, Mine Itier, Ragot, Delorme.

1.100 cm.-1, Leinoine, average 106 km. 064; Faure, Rougieras, Demazel.

High Lap Speeds. On the seventh lap the order was um

was umchanged. The leaders were lapping consistently at over 87 m.p.h., followed by Czaikowski and Giraud, While in the 1,500 c.c. class Joly the leader, was lapping at 80 m.p.h. So far the centre of interest had been the duel between Lehoux and Etancelin. Lehoux was putting up -a magnificent performance in spite of a damaged wrist, while Etancelin was driving a skilful race by letting his rival set the pace, never losing an inch. On the ninth lap, however, he passed Lehoux but his triumph was short lived, for Lehoux driving with an almost ferocious abandon, regained the lead. One second between the first and s2cond ears after 140 miles, with the third man only 59 seconds behind I

Then on the tenth lap Czakowski came into the pits with a punctured tyre. Encouraged by the excitement of the crowd he made an extraordinarily quick change, and was away in 18 seconds. At the same time Giraud stopped to re-fuel, while Lemoine came in winner of the 1,100 C.C. class. For a moment the general excitement was hushed, for news came through that Mine. Itier had had a terrible accident,

C( mpletely wrecking her car. Then it NV:1S announced that she herself had escaped injury, much to everyone’s relief. ‘file I lerculean straggle between Lehoux and Etancelin continued, and on the 12th lap Etancelin lowered the lap record vitli a time of 11m. 28., although Lehoux came past the stands first, two seconds in front

of his rival, who in turn was two minutes ahead of Czaikowski. On this lap joly finished,first in the 1,500 c.c. class.

Two laps before the end came tragedy. Lehoux punctured a tyre, a misfortune which at this stage of the race destroyed his chances of securing -a win. He pulled in to change a. wheel, but while doing so Czaikowski flashed by to gain second place. On the 14th and final lap Czaikowski made a supreme attempt to catch the fleet Etancelin, and finally broke the lap-record by returning a time of 10m. 58s. His effort was too late, however, and Etancelin crossed the line, winner of a most men, orable race.


1. Ph. Etancelin (Alfa-Romeo), 394 k. 5( en 211. 48m. 55 4/5s. (average 140 km. 117). 2, Comte Czaikowski (Bugatti), 2h. 50m. 9s.


Over 1.5C0 cm. (394 km. 500).

1. Etancelin (Alfa-Romeo), 21. 48m.

55 4/5s. (average 140 k. 117).

2, Czaikowski (Bugatti), 21. 50m.9s.

3. Lehoux (Bugatti), 2h. 52m. 33 2/5s.

4. D’Artioux, relieved by Zehender (Bugatti), 3h. lm. 35 4/5s.

5. Giraud-Cabantons (Bugatti), 3h. 2m.

56 4/5s.

6. Gaupillat (Bugatti), 3h. 5m. 5 2/5s.

7. Lormand (Bugatti), 3h. 7m. 39 1/5s.

8. De Maleplane (Maserati), 3h. 11m. 3 3/5s. 1.500 cm. (315 km. 600).

1. Joly (Maserati), 21. 32m. 49 3/5s. (average 123 km. 305).

2. Veyron (Bugatti), 2h. 36m. 6 2/5s.

3. Antonio (Maserati), 2h. 44m. 39 4/5s.

4. Rey (Bugatti), 21.1. 47m. 33 115s.

5. Rapt (Ragot), 2h. 52in. 44 1/5s. 1.100 cm. (263 kin.).

1. Lemoine (Cuban), 2h. 27m. 58s. (average 156 km. (345).

2. Rougieras (B.N.C.), 21. 36in. 6 4/5s.

3. Demazel (Samson), 2h. 39m. 1/5s.


HIS famous Italian race .kvis run off on August 17th before a large

crowd among whom were the Duke of Abrizzi and several members of the Italian Government. It provided ,yet another round of the struggle between Alla-Romeo and Bugatti, the victory in this case going to the former.

RESULTS. Over I. It c.c. -1, Campari (AlfaRoineo, 3( 6 km. in 211. 19m. 49 2/5s. ; 2, I, Chiron. (1lugatti), 2h. 21m. 49 2/5s. ;

3, ,* u volari ( A lfa-Romeo) ; 4, V arzi (B ugatti).

Under 1,100 Decolari (Samson), 127 km. in 56m. 10 3/5S, ; 2, Ferrari (Talbot) ; 3, •Matrullo (Samson).

18th. A. C. Bertelli (Aston-Martin 1,494 c.c.), 66.42 m.p.h.

19th. T. H. Wisdom (Invicta 4,467 c.c.), 70.84 m.p.h.

14A.PS CODIPLETED BY NON-FINISHERS, INCLUDING CRIWIT LAPS. B. 0. Davis (7,020 c.c. Mercedes-Benz, S.), 12; G. Field (4,467 c.c. Invicta), 27; T. Nuvolari (2,336 c.c. Alfa-Romeo, S.), 2; garl Howe (2,336 c.c. Alfa-Romeo, S.), 6; Sir Henry I3irkin (2,336 c.c. AlfaRomeo, S.), 29; W. Esplen (2,276 c.c. Talbot), 29; T. B. Rose-Richards (2,970 c.c. Talbot), 28; E. I?ronteras (2,494 c.c. Maserati, S.), 3; W. P. Lockwood (2,356 c.c. Arrol-Aster), 9; H. J. Aldington (1,496 c.c. Frazer-Nash), 29; C. PennHughes (1,496 c.c. Frazer-Nash), 11; T. G. Moore (1,496 c.c. Frazer-Nash), 25; H. W. Cook (1,494 c.c. Aston-Martin), 23; V. Gillow (1,089 c.c. Riley), 0; A. F. Ashby (1,089 c.c. Riley), 29; H. Widen,gren. (1,078 c.c. Maserati, S.), 25; G. V. B. Cooke (747 c.c. Austin, S.). 17; H. Kayley (747 c.c. Austin, S.), 24;

C. W. Fiennes (746 c.c. M.G. Midget, S.), 27; Major A. T. G. Gardner (746 c.c.

M.G. Midget, S.), 15 & R.. ‘1’. Horton (746 c.c. M.G. Midget, S.), 13; S. W. B. Hailwood (746 c.c. M.G. Midget, S.), 11; B. R. Hall (746 c.c. M.G. Midget, S.), 10; H. C. Hamilton (746 c.c. M.G. Midget, S.), 19; D. Higgin. (746 c.c. M.G. Midget, S-), 6


Class C. 5,000 c.c.

T. H. Wisdom, Invicta, 70.84 m.p.h. (only finisher).

Class D. 3,000 c.c.

B. Borzacchini, Alfa-Romeo, m.p.h. 79.05

Class F. 1,500 c.c.

C. M. Harvey, Aston-Martin, 68.49 m.p.h.

Class G. 1,100 c.c.

C. S. Staniland, Riley, 70.35 m.p.h.

Class H. 750 c.c.

N. Black, M.G., 67.90 m.p.h.


1st Riley Team.—C. R. Whitcroft, C. S. Staniland. and W. P. Noble. 29 points. 2nd, Austin team.—L. Cushman,

Barnes and C. Goodacre.


A Little Bit of Fluff.

As we go to press the following telegram arrived from Mr. H. J. Aldington of Frazer-Nash Cars (A.F.N., Ltd.) :—

” The joke is on us perfectly good motor car withdrawn officially with engine trouble discovered main jet one carburetter choked by fluff—Aldington.”

Nuvolari was prompted to drive with even more dash than usual, when he found that the English Alfa drivers were so hot. And he swore that he would do the lap in under ten minutes on the day of the race. But it was not to be.

On all sides one heard regrets expressed that the Bugatti contingent were absent from the T.T. For weeks supporters had been eagerly awaiting the event with the hope that the “Bugs.” would be competing, only to be disappointed.

Victor Gillow’s part in the race lasted for just about 300 yards, for his wild cornering finished in his overturning his Riley at the very beginning. Actually, when he inverted the motor, his speed was only about 20 m.p.h. It hit a bank and rolled slowly over.

After his sensational entry backwards into a field, Earl Howe appeared quite unperturbed ; he even stopped to apologise to the farmer for any damage which may have been incurred to the crops !