The 500 Miles Race.


The 500 Miles Race. HERBERT AUSTIN has entered

SIR HERBERT AUSTIN has entered a team of four supercharged Austin, Sevens for the B.R.D.C. 500 Miles Race which is being held at Brooklands on October 3rd. The entry is an exceedingly interesting one as these cars, to perform as the handicap says they must, will have to average a speed of no less than 94 m.p.h. for the 500 miles ! Even at this speed they will not appear to be travelling very fast, for the larger cars are expected to average somewhere in the

region of 115 m.p.h. for the distance. The Earl of March is to enter a team of supercharged M.G.s. It must be remem bered, that the full Brooklands course is being used and that the cars have simply to cover the 500 miles as fast as they

possibly can. There are no restrictions regarding bodywork and no obstacles on the track. We are again to see the Bentleys in action. Sir Henry Birkin is to enter the

famous 4-i supercharged single-seater which at one time last year held the lap record at over 135 m.p.h. Anthony Bevan will also appear with another ft supercharged Bentley. Lord Howe, also, has signified his intention of piloting his 2,300 c.c. super charged Bugatti in the race and, from what we know of his lordship’s capabilities, he should, be regarded as one of the

probable winners. Sir Malcolm Campbell is to compete as well, but at the moment he prefers not to mention the make of car he will drive.