New Imperial Innovation.


New Imperial Innovation. suspension front and rear

rear and unit construction of engine and gearbox are features of a new motorcycle which will shortly be placed on the market by the New Imperial Company. In spite of these novelties, the machine is of orthodox appearance.

It has long been appreciated that the normal motorcycle frame, being rigid at the rear, must necessarily allow backwheel bounce. On the straight this causes slight discomfort to the rider Only, but on a corner it tends to deflect the machine from its true course and is thus largely responsible for skidding.

Rear springing is by no means new, but in almost every design so far produced there have been inherent drawbacks which more than counterbalance the advantages gained. It is stated that these have been overcome on the latest New Imperial and, that it is not only particularly comfortable but can be banked, over on greasy surfaces to a degree which would be disastrous with the normal type of machine.

Much of the success of this new mount is due to the fact that the springs both front and rear are fitted with shock absorbers, which can easily be adjusted by hand whilst in motion. By this means the exact balance for varying loads and road surfaces can always be obtained. Obviously, if a pillion passenger is carried the rear suspension must be stiffened, this being done instantaneously by a turn of a knob.

On most motorcycles the front chain requires continual attention. It wears and stretches rapidly, necessitating frequent movement of the gearbox and. back wheel and adjustment of the gears. The unit construction of this new machine removes the necessity for this. The chain nuts in an oil-tight case and has a spring-tensioning device. Tests for many thousands of miles have shown that the one-time vulnerable front chain will last without attention for several years of ordinary work.

The machine will be listed in two sizes350 c.c. and 500 c.c.—both having overhead valve two-port engines. The valves and, operating mechanism are totally enclosed, this, with the enclosure of the primary chain, providing a very marked degree of mechanical silence. It is stated that the price will be in the neighbourhood of £60, but the exact figure will depend upon the engine size and equipment fitted..