The Dieppe Grand Prix


Pr he Dieppe Grand Prix

Etancelin and Earl Howe Will their Classes

THE race for the unlimited category was won by Etancelin (Alfa-Romeo) who averaged 74.4 m.p.h. for the four hours of the event, and was closely followed by Czaikowski on a Bugatti.

Earl Howe put up a really magnificent performance in winning the 1500 c.c. class on his 5 year old Grand Prix Delage, and his time put him 3rd in the general results.

The first three cars in each class, although all of French or Italian manufacture, used Dunlop tyres to assist in their success.

The weather was anything but pleasant over the week-end, but by the time of the start the rain had stopped, though a boisterous wind remained.

The first lap saw Earl Howe in to change a wheel, and then Chevallier came in for a plug change. Roch (B.N.C.) retired very early in the race. Etancelin, who had painted his Alfa-Romeo blue by way of showing his nationality, went into the lead, and put up a new lap record in 4m. is. with Max Fourny and Lehoux scrapping at his heels. Etancelin steadily increased his lead, and Lehoux pulled up to second place. Scaron on his very fast Amilcar was leading the 1500 c.c. class, with Auber (Bugatti) second. Lehoux (Bugatti) was making a desperate effort to catch Etancelin and on his seventh lap set up a new record in 3m. 45s., and then came in

to hand over to Jacquelin, his spare driver.

Intermittent rain was making the surface very treacherous and there were several crashes, though without serious result. Auber went through the fence and Tedaldi on another Bugatti also crashed and retired. Etancelin. led Fourny by 40 seconds only, the latter’s Bugatti having taken up the challenge strongly, but the Alfa then did a lap in 3m. 51s. thus breaking Lehoux’s record.

The order was now Etancelin., Fourny, Czaikowski, Vimille, de Maleplane. About the 18th lap Jacquelin, who had taken over from Lehoux, had overturned, fortunately without serious results.

The leading Alfa now had things well in hand and eased off a trifle, having nearly 1/ minutes lead on Fourny. Scaron struck trouble and Earl Howe took the lead of the litre class on the 21st lap, driving splendidly.

Gaupillat, who had taken over from Wimille, handed over once more to this driver who unfortunately piled up with considerable eclat on the St. Aubin corner. He was unhurt but the Bugatti caught fire and was not improved. Moreover it was right across the road, and Fourny arrived and crashed into it. His car overturned and he was shot out and considerably jarred up but otherwise unhurt. Prior to this little contretemps

Wimille and Fourny were second and third, the order after two hours being, Etancelin, Witnille Fourny, Czaikowski, Earl Howe, de Maleplane.

The leader filled up in lm. 40s. and was away again, but Scaron was again in trouble and had to retire. Various crashes among the field had made the Alfa’s position almost unassailable, his nearest rival being Czaikowski, who was over two minutes behind and had not yet filled up.

The third hour order was Etancelin, Czaikowski, Earl Howe, de Maleplane (Maserati), Ivanowski (Mercedes), and Delorme (Bugatti). The rest of the race provided little incident. Etancelin eased his pace a little, as well he might, for no one could catch him.

Czaikowski made a great effort and finished a good second with Earl Howe, who was also the 1500 c.c. winner, third.


1.Etancelin (Alfa-Romeo), 74.4 m.p.h.

2. Czaikowski (Bugatti).

3. J. de Maleplane (Maserati).

4. Boris Ivanowski (Mercedes).

5. Mlle. Helle Nice (Bugatti).

6. Pesato (Alfa-Romeo).

1500 C.C. CLASS.

1. Earl Howe (Delage), 73.2 m.p.h.

2. Delorme (Bugatti).

3. Wagniez (Bugatti).

4. Chevallier (Chevallier).