
I00 PER CENT. MARINE SHOWROOM Elephant Motors’ New Boat Depot

EI,EPHANT Motors, Ltd., have recently opened a very fine marine equipment branch to their business premises, at Store Street, Tottenham Court Road, London, W.C.1. In doing so, they have established something which boating enthusiasts have required for a very long time, for hitherto the man who was desirous of taking up the pastime has found the choice of craft, engine, equipment and fittings no easy matter because anything like a complete inspection of the many makes entailed extensive travelling to works and boat yards, scattered over a wide area. Such an examination and selection can now be

done under one roof.

Some idea of the comprehensive display and stock at this firm’s premises may be derived from the fact that in the engine section alone are shown no less than 18 inboard types and 11 outboards. The former comprise :—Ailsa Craig, Atlantic, Austin, Baby King, Baudouin, Brooke, Chrysler, Dorman, Gardner, Gleniffer, McLaren-Benz, Kermath, Meadows, Parsons, Petter, Riley, Thornycroft and Watermota. The outboard display includes :— Archimedes, Caille, Coventry-Victor, iEvinrude, Elto, Indian, Johnson, Lockwood, T.s.n., Turner Bray, and Watermota. For all these

engines, spare parts are carried, together with electrical fittings, pumps, propellers, stern gears, stern glands and shafting. In the main showroom is displayed a representative number of hulls, including Elephant Motors’ own ” Elmar ” runabout, a very sound job built of Honduras mahogany, which is metal fastened throughout and equipped with brass and gunmetal fittings. The private constructor and the boat owner who may be re-fitting is also completely catered for, and all classes of deck fittings, wire ropes, masts, spars, paints, varnishes and so forth are

available from stock. The firm can also supply charts, compasses and all equipment necessary for seagoing craft.

The depot is under the management of Mr. Mackrow, who, as the designer of Mr. F. T. Bersey’s “Minx,” which won this year’s Duke of York’s Trophy, and a very large number of other successful racing craft and cruisers, is, of course, well known. Visitors to Store Street will, thus, be able to obtain his highly-valuable advice and opinion on any matter pertaining to marine motoring.