

Flying Tuition for Holiday-makers.

THE Blackpool Corporation, having provided a municipal aerodrome at Stanley Park, is now fostering a Blackpool flying club. An influential committee has been set up and the enrolment of members is making rapid progress.

Blackpool takes a long-sighted view of the future utility of its aerodrome. It visualises a time when learning to fly will be a popular holiday pastime, and it hopes to see Stanley Park established as one of the favourite resorts of aerial tourists. A clubhouse is being built at a cost of £9,000 and it will be one of the finest in the country.

The management of the aerodrome and the flying organisation of the club will be undertaken by National Flying Services, Ltd., who have been granted a seven years’ lease of the aerodrome by the Corporation. The Blackpool Flying Club will be the sixth to enter the National Flying Services group, and its members

will be able to fly at the sister clubs at Hanworth (London), Leeds, Hull, Reading and Nottingham. Members of these associated clubs will likewise have flying rights at Blackpool.

A Desoutter air taxi and a ” Cirrus ” Moth training machine have already been stationed at the aerodrome, and Captain F. C. Crossley has been appointed chief instructor and pilot-in-charge of the aerodrome. More machines and a second instructor will be added as soon as they are required to meet the demands of members.

The Desoutter has already been bookedto carry holiday-makers to and from the town and is in great demand for short passenger flights and cruises around Blackpool.

People who wish to take a course of flying while spending a holiday at Blackpool will be specially catered for. It is quite possible in fine weather for a keen, apt pupil to qualify for an ” A ” Licence in the spare hours of a fortnight’s holiday.