Pertrix Batteries.


Pertrix Batteries.

We have received a new catalogue from Britannia Batteries Ltd., in which particulars are given of the full range of their well known batteries. Excellently compiled, the booklet gives prices, dimensions and details of all their standard sizes and also contains a list of spares.

The Britannia Co.’s works at Redditch, near Birmingham, have lately been completely re-equipped, so that their output has been greatly increased, while further facilities are offered to Pertrix users in the matter of prompt service and repairs. The London ao.dress of Britannia Batteries is Britannia House, 233, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2.

The M.G. Car Co.’s Change.

Owing to the great increase in the volume of business carried on by the M.G. Car Company, a separate limited company has been formed, with Sir William R. Morris, Bart., as Chairman. Sir William has appointed as Managing luirector Mr. Cecil Kimber, who relinquishes his position as General Manager to the Morris Garages Ltd., this position being filled by Mr. E. J. Tob.n, who has been acting as Assistant General Manager for some time past after. an association of over twenty years with the Company.

“Correct Lubrication.”

The Vacuum Oil Co. Ltd., of Caxton House, Westminster, S.W.1, are now issuing a booklet for the benefit of Austin and Morris owners. This little publication contains a, very useful chassis lubrication chart, together with perspective illustrations in which are indicated those features which need periodical attention. Copies of this booklet can be obtained free on application.

Change of Address.

Mr. Sidney W. Lewis, the licensee for Ricardo patent turbulence cylinder heads, informs us that he has now changed his address to 196, Great Portland Street, London, W.1.

A New Air Cleaner. •

Prank Smith & Co. (Elland), Ltd., of Maud, Yorkshire, have recently introduced a new air cleaner for attachment to the carburetter. This device has a specialty oil-treated wire pad, and a feature is that its employment renders the induction silent, by preventing the air entering the carburetter with a hissing noise. Another ingenious point of the device is the attachment of a whistle, which comes into operation when the filtering medium is clogged, and thus gives warning of the need, for cleaning. The Smith cleaner sells for 15s.

Amal Petrol Pump.

After lengthy experiments, a new pump for the petrol feed has been put into production form by Amalgamated Carburetters, Ltd. It is claimed for it that no matter what the engine speed may be, the pump will deliver a constant head of fuel, and a feature is that it has practically no moving parts. The main body of the unit comprises a cylindrical chamber containing a fabric diaphragm. The fuel enters this diaphragm chamber after passing through a filter, and from thence it flows to a regulating chamber, where another diaphragm is fixed, held at a predetermined tension by a spring. A small plunger, attached to the centre of this diaphragm, controls the flow to the main chamber. This plunger is operated by an eccentric. The instrument is made so that, with very little modification, it can be adapted to replace other types of pumps, and it can be driven from any shaft running at camshaft speed.

Andre Bumpers.

A new catalogue has lately been received from T. B. Andre & Co., Ltd., of Ladbroke Road, W.11. This firm has now adopted Andralumin for their products ; it is claimed for this alloy that it is very much. lighter than steel tubing, while at the same time it is equal in strength.