

THE British Racing Drivers’ Club held their annual dinner in London on the 11th of last month, when the principal feature of the evening was an interesting talk, illustrated by a film on the Ninety Mile Beach, the famous natural motor speedway of New Zealand.

It was on this beach, it will be remembered, that ” Wizard ” Smith covered 10 miles at an average speed of 148 m.p.h. in a hybrid car of his own construction. The engine was a Rolls-Royce aero unit of 375 h.p. and the chassis, a Cadillac. The New Zealand visitor who gave the address, stated that the beach is practically ideal for the purpose of record attempts. Moreover, it is by no means inaccessible, and improvements are to be introduced in the way of transport facilities and so forth with a view to increasing its popularity.

The lecturer stated also, that the Auckland Automobile Association are prepared to help aspirants to World’s records in every way, and in particular, by the provision of the most up-to-date electrical timing apparatus.