

A reliability trial was held recently, and arranged so as to give inexperienced riders an equal chance with the more expert riders of the Club. The results are as follows :

Hilton Rol inson Cup.–Solo, A. Braddock (300 Omega), Scratch ; 2, W. T. Tiffen (348 Velocette), Handicap 20 marks ; 3, H. Bell (348 Velocette). County Gara;_e Cup.—Sidecars, J. L. Shields (596 Sc.), 10;

A. Reid (799 A.J.S.) 20.

W. ‘I’. Tiffen wal also awarded a special prize for making the faste:t titre across tl-e Dockray Colonial section.


In the “Grass T.T.held recently by this Club two circuits of a 161 mile course had to be covered. The premier award was won by T. Smith (348 o.h.v.A.J.S) with an average speed of 27.5 m.p.h. for the two circuits.

B. Joyce (490 Norton) came second with an average of 27 m.p.h., and C. Gander with 24.2 m.p.h.

The General Secretary invites all sporting motorcyclists who reside within a reasonable distance of Littleharnpton to communicate with him. His address is New Road, Littlehampton.


Old Chalky Hill was included in the mid-week social run held recently. One member of the club made the ascent on the rim of his back wheel, as his back tyre came off. Gold Cuff Links were awarded to J. Delves-Broughton (Dunelt). Silver Cuff Links were awarded to F. R. Button (Francis Barnett)

A Speed Judging Contest will be run on August 29th.


The night reliability to Blackpool held recently attracted an entry of twenty-five members, who all arrived at their destination quite safely after having very much enjoyed the run. They were required to ride to a twenty-mile schedule. The run was 111 miles. The best performance, irrespective of class, was put up by H. Bradley (348 o.h.v.A.J.S.), who lost 8 marks. He was awarded a Gold Medal. Solo Class-1 (silver medal), E. Sherwin (348. o.h.v.A.J.S.), lost 10 marks ; 2 and 3, Ray Wilson (498 A. J.S.) and A. Green (499 James), both losing 16 marks each ; 4, J. Godfrey (345 Rudge), lost 20 marks ; 5, E. Wilson (347 Matchless), lost 22 marks.


The London Barnstaple trial held during the Holiday week-end was very well supported, there being nearly sixty entrants in the solo and sidecar classes. The weather proved ideal, and the first control was at Andover, through Guildford, Farnham and Basingstoke. Refreshments were indulged in before starting off again. At the fork about a mile from Andover several competitors mistook their way, and great was their consternation when they found themselves at Salisbury instead of Amesbury. They all succeeded in making up their lost time, however, and clocked in at the breakfast control at Bridgewater to time. After breakfast at the Royal Clarence Hotel the route led by way of Williton, the outskirts of Minehead to Porlock. The famous hill was in fairly good condition. Here G. A. Hull (492 Sunbeam) failed on the lower bend ; P. R. Bradbrook (498 Scott) skidded on the loose surface and fell from his machine. W. Puller (496 Coventry Eagle) and B. J. Habgood (596 Scott) also failed ; J. 0′ Brady (499 Rudge) missed his gear change, and C. P. Lamber (248 Raleigh) seized his engine. Good climbs were made by G. G. Stone and A. W. Colton on 349 Humbers. R. B. Waters made an outstandingly good climb with his 748 P.N. and double seater sidecar. The route then continued over twelve miles of moorland to the sharp descent of Countisbury Hill and up Lynmouth Hill, which account for several failures. Here the road became blocked as a descending car collided with a horse and cart, but the solo riders managed to squeeze through, and by the time the later arrivals came to ascend th.e hill the obstruction had been removed. A brief halt was made at the foot of Beggars Roost for fresh supplies of petrol, and this gave all a fair chance on the hill, as only one machine took the hill at a time. Several failures occurred. Good climbs were made by H. J. Edmund (494 Sunbeam sc.), G. A. Bull (492 Sunbeam), J. Lewis (495 James), and A. W. Colton (349 Humber). Sharp to the right of the ” Roost ” the road led across the moors to Simonsbath. A source of trouble here was the numerous motor coaches, which made passing difficult on the narrow twisting roads. At Barnstaple, where the last check was held, only four competitors failed to check in at the finish.


The Hepolite Scar hill-climb held on August Monday was a great success, and was attended by a great many people. The surface of the hill was good, being dry and loose ; despite this fact, only two soloists made clean climbs, namely, Hemingway (Royal Enfield), winner of the solo novice 350 c.c. class, and Smith (B.S.A.), whose time almost equalled that of his rival. B. Bradley put up the best performance in the unlimited novice class. Hillas made a very fine attempt in the unlimited class. The open class was decided on time only. Hemingway (Royal Enfield) made the best time of 59 3/5 s. Smith came second, making the time of 60 9/10 s. Hillas (Sunbeam) was third, doing the climb in 65 s. Some wonderful riding was witnessed in the Rodeo Classes, which were run over the steepest part of the hill. In the 350 class the first place was obtained

by Bradley (Raleigh) with a time of 35 1/10 s. Brigham (A. J.S.) and Smith (B.S.A.) came in second and third respectively, making the climb in 40 and 47 seconds. In the unlimited class Walker (Douglas), 33 7/10 s., was first ; Fernside (Sunbeam), 34 4/10 s., second ; and Langton (New Hudson), 37 5/10 s., third. The unlimited solo class was a very thrilling event, and was finally won by Hemingway (Royal Enfield), who, after riding neck to neck with rernside (Sunbeam) for some time, overtook his opponent and rode into first place.