One Hundred and Sixteen M.P.G.!


One Hundred and Sixteen M.P.G.!

A test of the most unusual kind took place recently under R.A.C. observation in which an A.C. racing car was entered for a petrol consumption trial. The object was to demonstrate the maximum distance the car could possibly travel on one gallon of petrol and the result was 116.88 miles, equivalent to 70.4 ton miles per gallon.

The method by which this astounding figure was accomplished, however, appears to have little to recommend it, for the car was accelerated to 25 m.p.h., when the clutch was disengaged ; and, the engine having stopped, the car allowed to coast until the speed dropped to 15 m.p.h. At this speed the engagement of the clutch allowed the engine to restart and the speed of the car then rose to 25 m.p.h., the whole procedure as above described being repeated throughout the whole trial from Barnet along the Coventry road to three miles beyond Towcaster and back.

A top gear ratio of 2.47 to I was employed and the car weighed approximately 12 cwt., a mixture of high grade motor spirit and benzole was used in equal proportions and a Strombey carburettor was fitted.

Though the engine was fitted with two inlet valves per cylinder, only one per cylinder was actually used in the trial for which R.A.C. certificates were issued with respect to the mileage covered and to the performance of the Strornbey carburettor.

Races for Touring Cars.

In view of the increasing popularity of long-distance races for touring cars, we learn that several British firms are already considering the question of entering for the Le Mans race next year. The development of this class of racing certainly appears to be a step in the right direction and should open up possibilities for those amateurs for whom the possession of a real racing car exists only as a cherished ambition.

B.S.A. Motor Cycles at Olympia.

In consequence of the fact that the B.S.A. Company were not exhibiting at last year’s Olympia Show, it has been rumoured that the firm will not be represented this year. This, however, is not the case, for B.S.A. Cycles Ltd., will occupy Stand No. 20, where a full range of all the new models for 1927 will be shown and the exhibit promises to be one of exceptional interest.

British Successes in the Six Days Trial.

British motor cycle manufacturers have every reason to congratulate themselves on the results of the classic International Six Days Trial, as demonstrating the very marked superiority of British products over those from abroad. The International Trophy was again won by England, whilst the runners-up for this award were also machines of British manufacture. The same team that won the International Trophy also gained the International Silver Vase, while the third team for the Vase was also English.

Great credit is certainly due to the Dutch team which gained the second place for the International vase, especially in view of the severe nature of the course and the fact that all the members of the team were amateurs.

According to the official report of the trial it is stated that this year’s Trial shows decided improvement in the direction of constructional detail in the machines and, furthermore, that the condition of the machines at the end of the trial was infinitely better than that of last year.

J. S. Worter’s Latest.

Riding a 350 c.c. Excelsior J.A.P., equipped with Dunlop tyres, J. S. Worters recently broke the following Class B. records at Brooklands :—Ten miles, standing start at an average speed of 76.35 m.p.h. and the Ten Kilometres, standing start at an average speed of 75.49 m.p.h.

A New British ” Six.”

A new British six-cylinder car known as the Brocklebank is shortly to make its appearance. The manufacturers, Messrs. Brocklebank & Richards, Ltd., of Suffolk Works, Birmingham, have been engaged in the process of evolving the car for the last four years and a modern machine plant, organised on highly progressive lines, has been laid down. The Brocklebank has been produced with the intention of marketing an inexpensive six-cylinder model to compete with the numerous makes imported to this country from America, and while following the lines of orthodox design, presents many features of great interest, especially with regard to the excellent construction and attention to all those minor details which make for popularity in an owner-driven car.