

The closing of one of the Surrey beauty spots to the public—St. George’s Hill—because of the trouble to which the owners were put in clearing up litter and in extinguishing heath fires, again attracts attention to the need for the public at large to exercise the utmost consideration and care when picnicking. Whilst private motorists are by no means solely to blame in this matter, there is no doubt that they are sometimes guilty of thoughtlessness in disfiguring the country with unsightly litter.

The R.A.C. wishes to emphasise most strongly the need for every car owner and motor cyclist who takes an al fresco meal by the roadside or in some secluded country spot to destroy any waste paper, cardboard boxes, etc., which may be left after the meal. The simplest method is to collect all debris into a small heap and burn it—extreme caution being taken to ensure that the fire does not spread to surrounding herbage. Empty bottles or tins should not be left lying about, but buried in a convenient spot, or, failing this, packed away in an empty basket and carried home to the dustbin.

As it is mainly through thoughtlessness that refuse is left about, the R.A.C. is instructing its Road Guides in every part of the country to point out to motorists, where necessary, how best to dispose of waste paper and other litter. It would be a thousand pities if the authorities were compelled to take action which might lead to the closing of favourite picnicking grounds.


Realising the difficulty motorists experience in deciphering direction signs, either on lamp-posts, or situated near them, the Automobile Association has introduced a new type of reflector and signs, so as to throw the light downwards and render the wording on the arms clearly readable by road users after dark.

One of the first sets of these A.A. illuminated direction signs has been erected on the Great West Road, 104 miles out from London.


The present list of entries for the International 200 Miles Race, to be held at Brooklands on September 26, is very representative, and rumour has it that it will be swelled by the addition of a few more Continental entries before the final closing date on August 27.

The following are the cars entered at the moment :3 Darracq Specials, 5 Salmson Specials, 3 Aston Martin Specials, 1 A.C. Special, 1 KU. P. Special, 2 FrazerNash Specials, 1 Bugatti Brescia Special, 1 Thomas Special, 6 Austin Specials, 5 Amilcar Specials, 2 Alvis Specials, 1 Malcolm Campbell Special, 1 Eldridge Special.

In one case the entrant has not yet nominated the make of car he will drive, the regulations making it possible for the actual car to be decided upon any time before the final closing date for entries.