Round the Clubs, September 1925



The Club’s annual 24-hour trial to Holyhead and back was held on July 11 and 12. The route was Buxton, Knutsford, Chester, Colwyn Bay, Conway, Carnarvon and Holyhead. On the return journey secret checks were taken in the following four zones :— Holyhead to Conway, Holywell to Hawarden, Tarvin to Northwich, and Buxton to Fox House Inn. The results were :—

Solo.—Hutton Shield, J. Wildblood (349 Douglas). Sidecar.—Dickinson and Darwin Cup, Bovill (980 Brough Superior s.c.).

Car.—Townroe Bowl, C. C. New (14 h.p. Austin). Silver medals.—G. Beeden (Matchless s.c.), and J. Jenkins (350 Zenith).

Bronze medals.—T. Artindale (Studebaker), Johnson (350 Rudge), Morritt (Ariel Ten), A. Bond (350 Ivy), J. May (499 Dunelt), and M. Parkes (490 Ariel).

Belgian Riders Visit a Sheffield Club.

A team of Liege riders paid a visit to Sheffield from July 17-20, this being a return visit to that paid by a team of Sheffielders last year.

The Belgians were met at Harwich by several members of the Sheffield and Hallarnshire Motor Cycle and Car Club, who escorted them to Sheffield, and were later entertained to dinner at the Grand Hotel. The following day, Saturday, a trial was held over two circuits of a 50-mile course, the riders starting in pairs, viz.:—

Valliant (Triumph) and G. Sa-wer (A.J.S.). Arnoldy (Triumph) and G. Beeden (Sunbeam). Morhay (Sphynx) and R. May (Dunelt). CoHears (Triumph) and J. Wildblood (Douglas). Weerens (P.N.) and J. Cowley (Sheffield Henderson). Geminick (P.A.) and P. James (Royal Enfield). Bertrand (Sarolea) and R. L. B. Taylor (Scott). Drion (Sphynx) and J. May (Dunelt).

There were one or two crashes : Arnoldy, a boy of 17, had a bad skid, but in spite of severe cuts to his face and right hand he continued and finished. The visitors were somewhat hampered by close ratio gears and several burnt clutches resulted (two riders carried spare sets of clutch plates), and also by their lack of knowledge of the district and the language. In spite of these handicaps the Belgians lost only 2,490 marks to Sheffield’s 1,420. A dinner-dance was held at the George, Hathersage, in the evening, when Mr. Turner, the club president, presented the cup and medals to the winners and souvenirs to the visitors. M. Blocouse, the Belgian captain, replied and invited a Sheffield team to visit

Liege on July 21 next year, when he promised them a severe trial. He concluded by presenting an illuminated address commemorating the Sheffielders’ visit in 1924.


Known as ” The Bloater Trial,” a 12-hour reliability test from London to Yarmouth and back will be held under the auspices of the North London M.C.C. on September 12. Starting from the Alexandra Palace at 7 a.m., competitors will proceed to their destination over roads free from freak hills or colonial sections, but non-stop sections will be included. The main objects of the event are to further the sport of motoring in the Eastern Counties and to provide a long distance reliability trial without freak hills or colonial sections. One of the most interesting sections of the 260 miles course will be quite close to the finish, and spectators may obtain full particulars from Mr. Alan W. Day, “Claremont,” Ballards Lane, Finchley, N.3.


The Liverpool Motor Club will hold their speed trials at Colwyn Bay on September 5, when a large number of trophies are offered for competition and a large entry list is expected.


On August 15 the Southport Motor Club promoted a very successful race meeting on the sands at Southport, very large fields being attracted. Some of the events were open to cars, motor cycles and three-wheelers, the comparisons in speed and cornering being most interesting. Driving a 10.8 h.p. Riley, Mr. N. S. Walsh won the Sporting Speed Event, which was the termination of a reliability trial organised by the Southport Club in conjunction with others in the north country. Mr. G. Pemberton, on a Vauxhall, gained the second place after an exciting contest.

Two Morgans, a Frazer-Nash and a Marendaz Special lined up for the race for unlimited single-seater racing cars, which was won by B. H. Davenport on his FrazerNash. A novelty was introduced in the Class 27 race over a kilometre course, a stipulation being that each car should only run in top gear, 15 yards being allowed to get into top gear. None of the competitors complied with the rule. Mr. V. Motion, on an Amilcar, succeeded, however,in engaging top gear when reaching a few yards past the limit line.

A very closely contested race took place between S. H. Taylor on an Alvis and D. M. K. Marendaz on his Marendaz Special, the former winning only by a matter of inches.

The star turn of the meeting was Mr. D. Higgins, who with his Miller Straight tight won all classes open to him. Not only was the car extremely fast, but the driver handled it with masterly skill. Unfortunately the engine caught fire when Higgins was leading in the last race, which deprived him of another victory, but the flames were extinguished before any serious damage resulted.

In the cycle races E. Searle (490 c.c. Norton), E. S. Jones (493 c.c. Sunbeam) and S. Hughes (0.E.C. Blackburne), the latter winning the 20 mile event.

The 50 mile race was won by J. H. S. Gardner (Norton) from a field including E. Twemlow (H.R.D.), Simister (Norton) and Spaun (Sunbeam).


On Saturday, July 25th, the West of England Club held a half-day Trial over a sporting course from Taunton, through Milverton, Wiveliscombe, Dulverton, Tiverton and back to Taunton. The first observed hill was Bulland, which caused little trouble, though a formidable water splash had to be negotiated at the foot of this hill. The chief obstacle was Hangman’s Hill, the surface of which was very rough. Especially good climbs were made by L. W. Pearce (Brough Superior), P. V. Hare (Douglas), G. Pettinger (Dunelt) and F. H. Knill (Raleigh). Several solos failed through taking the right hand bend too fast and the two side-car outfits through wheelspin. All the cars made clean climbs, W. 0. Thompson (Salmson), and A. E. Walters (Clyno) deserving especial mention. A secret check at the Exeter Inn caused many competitors to lose marks. Pearce found his rear tyre flat and consequently was 12 minutes late at the Tiverton check. Bad luck thus spoiling an otherwise excellent performance. Nearly 50 per cent. of the competitors failed in the brake test on Buckland Hill, but the solo machines did very well on the whole, Douglas and Raleigh machines being particularly good. Although the entry was somewhat

disappointing, it was quite representative and the Trial was voted the best attended and the best organised that had been held in this district.


THE SOUTH-WESTERN TROPHY (presented by H. T. Kite, Esq.), to be held for one year only. For the best performance by a Motor Cycle, Sidecar Machine or Three-wheeled Cycle Car. Knill, F. H. 348 c.c. Raleigh. No Error

A SILVER Cur (presented by Messrs. Standfield and White, Ltd.). For the best performance by a Fourwheeled Car.

Eddy, J. 747 c.c. Austin. No Error.


The Club assisted the Oxford Floral Festival Week, August 10th-15th, by contributing to the programme on three evenings during the week. On Monday by giving an exhibition Motor Cycle Football Match between members of the Club; Wednesday, by a Gymkhana; and on Saturday by a Football and Polo Match, also a Trick Riding Competition against members of the Camberley M.C. The results of the events are as follows :—

Monday.—CLUI3 FOOTBALL MATCH.—S. Hancox’s team beat F. Walker’s, 8-0. The losers were greatly handicapped during the first part of the game by playing one short. Wednesday.—CLUB GYMKHANA.—This event was marred by the weather which was rather showery. However, there was a large entry and a carefully