EDITORIAL NOTES., September 1925



The Speedman and Olympia.

Owing to the scarcity of information concerning the exhibits at the forthcoming Motor Cycle Show at Olympia, as we are going to press, it is impossible to give any accurate forecast concerning the exhibition in this issue. We are informed, however, that manufacturers have many interesting machines to offer for the 1926 season, so that our motor-cycling readers may anticipate a very successful show.

For the benefit of those who always find a visit to the Show in search of a new machine for the coming season a somewhat perplexing problem, we publish an informative article contributed by one who has had a great deal of experience with various makes and types of motor-cycles and who, incidentally, is a competition rider of no mean ability.

His advice and suggestions will be welcomed by the novice and expert alike, the subject being dealt with in its various aspects in a very enlightening manner.

Readers will be gratified to learn of the successes of the British teams in the recent Six Days’ Trial organised by the Auto-Cycle Union, which is generally admitted to be one of the most severe, if not the most severe, competition on record. Though foreign riders have attempted to compete with us in the motor-cycling field, they have had to admit that British supremacy has been unassailed, but we trust that this will not prevent further representative entries in various international events in the future.

This issue also contains a review of the famous 3098 Vauxhall, which, in accordance with our usual practice, has been submitted to a long and arduous test, details of which are described freely and without bias.