
P-r HE new motor course now under construction at

Montlhery, is situated approximately seventeen miles south of Paris, and is approached by the main highway No. 20, leaving Paris at the Port d.’Orleans, and thence through Montra.uge, Bourg la Reine, la Croix de Berny, and Longjumeau. Unfortunately the condition of the approach road, which is of pave, is rather bad for at least twenty miles. The roads in the actual vicinity of the track are not yet completed, but when finished will provide three one-way roads to the track, and three similar roads from the track.

The track itself is situated approximately 160 ft. above sea level, amidst beautiful and densely wooded, hilly surroundings, the estate covering over 400 hectares (I,roo acres), and containing a large and artistic chateau which is to be the club house. A dense wood isolates the club house from the track, and the wood it is hoped will form a screen to the noise from the track. Outside the club house is a model of the track exactly one-tenth scale, and raised on a grass bank of about 3 ft. high. The track itself is of reinforced concrete pillars, and surfaced with fine cement, the inner ten feet having been specially smoothed for motor cycles, and the top twenty feet considerably roughened to prevent skidding when cars are entering and leaving the bank at high speeds. The track is 2.5 kilometres round, and has two straights, approximately 400 metres in length, the straights actually having a banking of 5 per cent.

A ” Bumper” or keep, is being erected on top and around the outer edge of the track composed of boarded oak. posts, and will be approximately 5 ft. high. A similar arrangement has been very successful in America. On the inner edge of the track, a soft loose earth band about ro ft. wide is arranged, so that cars or machines leaving the track out of control will find a comparatively soft place to come to rest, which no doubt may save a badly broken or bent chassis, and also give the driver and mechanic an improved chance of “getting away with it. ‘ Two “rim offs” are arranged for leaving the track, winch lead into a cement safety area.

Big Improvements and Possibilities.


Reviewed by CYRIL PULLIN. As will be seen from the accompanying photographs, the banking is exceptionally high, much higher, in fact, than that at Brooklands. In its present stage of evolution, it has made some hardened drivers feel quite giddy to look up to the top ! The centre of the track is quite clear of all obstructions, and will comprise the main public enclosure, communications thereto being by seven tunnels arranged around the track. The Grand Stand, which should hold m000 people, is built on the outside of one of the straights, and provides a clear uninterrupted view of the track. It is situated immediately at the points of excitement, i.e., starting line, replenishment pits, and where the cars leave and enter the beautifully constructed banked turns. The replenishment pits are permanent and so arranged that fresh supplies can be taken into them from the roads outside

the track. Three large lapscoring and timekeeping boards are so fixed that they can be seen from anywhere on the track. Electrical timing by strips and chronometre will be exclusively used and always available. No silence restrictions are in force, and the track authorities

will gladly welcome 24, 36 and 48 hour record attempts, lighting at night being provided by large arc lamps

The track is to be lapped in a clockwise direction, which is the opposite to what we are used to in this country, and doubtless British competitors will need plenty of ,practice to be able to take the turns at high speed.

I should estimate that a motor cycle will be able to lap at ioo m.p.h. almost on the ro ft. line, and for cars the only limit to speeds up to 150 m.p.h. will be the skill and practice of the driver in bringing his car

off the bank, down the short straight, and on to the bank again. Anyhow, there is plenty of room to practice, and the banking is broad enough and high enough to allow a good margin of error ! Workshops will be available in plenty, and are to be situated between the tall concrete pillars of the bankings, the track surface forming the roofs.

An additional interest is the special test course for touring cars and chassis. This is to be 10 kilometres long, and comprise hills of r in 3 and hair-pin corners, as well as runs right round the racing track. A large hotel is also to be built on the estate, capable of accommodating all those actually taking part in the races and who have to travel over 50 kilos to the track. The organisation will be departmental, and consists of such departments as technical, maintenence, racing, publicity, etc., and no effort is being spared to make the undertaking the finest of its kind in the world.

The designer and constructor, M. Jamin, is to be heartily congratulated on the excellence of his work and his daring design, and also the keen foresight and wholehearted support of the proprietors. Every effort is being made to finish off the track during the present month, the Italians employed on the concrete and cement work, working an average of 14 hours a day, including Sundays The first meeting is arranged to take place on October 4th and 5th, many valuable money prizes being offered.