
To commemorate the twenty-first birthday of the Auto-Cycle Union, the British Cycle and Motor Cycle Manufacturers’ and Traders’ Union, Ltd., has agreed to allow the A.C.U. to stage an exhibit of historical motor cycles and accessories at the Motor Cycle Show at Olympia from the 3rd to 8th November next. Apart from the actual interest such an exhibit will have for motor cyclists, it will provide a unique history of the evolution of the motor cycle. It is not intended that the exhibits shall be confined exclusively to the very earliest types, although a number of these will be displayed. There will be, in addition, a number of machines on which the engines, transmission, methods of lubrication, etc., were, when first introduced, regarded as a revolutionary departure from what was then existing practice. It will be interesting to note to what a large extent the ideas of the pioneers, men who in their day were jeered at as iconoclasts, are now incorporated as standard fittings in the modern motor cycle.

The Manufacturers’ Union has already received offers of a number of interesting machines and accessories for the exhibit, but it is felt that there are many others lying in various parts of the country well worthy of inclusion, and the Secretary of the A.C.U. would greatly esteem it if the owners of such relics of motor cycle history would communicate with him at 83, Pall Mall, London, S.W.I, giving particulars and stating whether they would be disposed to lend them for exhibition at the Show.