
To anyone who has followed the progress of wireless and the ordinary broadcasting restrictions, it must be evident that simplicity and compactness will be the distinguishitg features of future wireless sets. The outside aerial will certainly not last very long in view of the high power stations which are being erected. The general public are interested in obtaining music, and not in experimenting. Unfortunately, most small sets capable of giving satisfactory results require a great deal of skill for their use. They -are extremely sensitive and very liable to be put out of order. A new type known as the “Ideal Portable” has been recently introduced by the Low Engineering Company,

Ltd., of which Professor A. M. Low is the technical adviser. This set employs crystal rectification with two valves for amplifying purposes. The valves are of the dull emitter type, only requiring a small dry battery for their working. The whole set is absolutely self-contained within a box of the size of an ordinary small suit case. In spite of this, however, the working parts are very accessible and easily understood, while the aerial of the closed loop type is mounted in the lid. The set proper is mounted on an ebonite panel, and both low tension and high tension batteries are contained within the case, the whole weighing lessithan 18 lbs. The set is extremely selective, is almost entirely unaffected by ordinary atmospherics, and can be carried about anywhere, used in any room, on a motor car or on a country walk without difficulty. Although selectivity is secured, there is practically no tuning difficulty, and the disadvantages of super-sensitive sets have been avoided. The apparatus is not expensive, and if necessary, can be altered for use with an ordinary aerial. In its portable self-contained form, broadcasting has been received up to roo miles, and at 25 miles the purity of tone obtainable is exceptional.