
On one of those very wet days in which the month of August this year excelled, some excellent solo motor cycle records were put up on Brooklands track.

Riding an 175 c.c. Cotton, C. W. Johnston covered five miles from a flying start in 5 mins. 1.94 secs., equalling a speed of 59.61 m.p.h. From a standing start he covered ten miles in ro mins. 18.85 secs., at a speed of 58.17 m.p.h. Fifty miles from a standing start were covered in 52 mins. 13.99 secs., this showing the very creditable speed of 57.43 m.p.h. In one hour Johnston drove the Cotton 56 miles 1,256 yards, this being equivalent to a speed of 56.71 miles an hour.

Johnston thus improved upon the previous best times and distances held by W. D. Marchant, by about six minutes and five miles respectively. Riding a 743 c.c. Douglas, entered by Cyril Pullin, H. Glover covered ten miles on the same day as the Cotton records were put up in 6 mins. 39.63 secs. This, from a standing start, showed the very fine speed of

90.08 m.p.h., and beat Horsman’s existing record by a narrow margin.

It is by no means always at race meetings that the best Brooklands speeds are put up, and visitors to the track on “off days” may frequently see some such fine performances as those now chronicled.