Delage book review: Marque of distinction

An impressive work conveying the story of a fine French make’s return to competition success on European hills and race tracks

Robert Benoist at 1924 French Grand Prix

Robert Benoist in the complex 2-litre Delage V12 in the French GP at Lyons, 1924


Daniel Cabart already has an impressive track record with Delage – in 2017 he was awarded the RAC Specialist Book of the Year for his volume on the marque’s 1926- 27 grand prix successes, so his scholarly thoroughness is not in doubt. This wider-ranging book on the company’s competition efforts covers the four years before that, including that supremely delicate 2-litre V12, the 2CLV. It’s daunting in size, but Cabart and co-author Sébastien Faurès Fustel de Coulanges have added a note at the start saying there’s a conclusion at the end you can consult as a summary. How very thoughtful of them.

The book sets out with a short history and tales of the significant figures, devoting a good deal of time naturally to René Thomas, who was involved in the first mid-air collision in 1910 yet lasted long enough to be pictured riding with Graham Hill and returning to Indianapolis in 1973. Thomas’s detailed memoirs are a vital source for Cabart’s researches and he quotes extensively throughout this book as Delage returns to competition after an 11-year layoff.

Boasting very high-quality reproduction, considering most of the photos are 100 years old, it includes some lovely reproductions of period artwork such as from Geo Ham.

Starting with descriptive tales of the firm’s forays into sprints and hillclimbs (Cabart says they just concentrated on the ones they found interesting “but the rest are all in the appendix”) the book gives a supremely thorough description of gearing up for grand prix events through various glories on the way with many models, notably Thomas’s 1924 land speed record with the 10½-litre V12. There’s even a report of the Banville hillclimb up the external spiral ramps to the multi-storey garage in Paris, where the penalty for leaving the course was a 50ft fall to the street below.

Numerous technical drawings support the descriptions, for instance of the influences from Sunbeam and FIAT, backed by nicely chosen adverts and magazine extracts, all generously laid out. Cabart’s range of sources is huge –a Swiss motor sport newspaper, club newsletters, correspondence with principals, including a letter from Louis Delage to Ettore Bugatti assuring him that their rivalry was entirely amicable, and he’s just as thorough with the blind alleys such as a supercharged two-stroke with 12 cylinders in U formation. I’d love to have heard that on song.

Although this requires dedication to absorb, it’s a virtuoso piece of research.

Delage — Records & Grand Prix

Daniel Cabart, Sébastien Faurès Fustel de Coulanges

OREP Editions

ISBN 9782815106115


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