Hall of Fame

Surtees Foundation named as charity partner

The Henry Surtees Foundation, created by his father in honour of the racer who lost his life at Brands Hatch in 2009, will be the official charity partner for the 2017 Motor Sport Hall of Fame.

Seven-time motorcycling and 1964 Formula 1 world champion John Surtees has dedicated much of his time to the cause since the tragedy, in which Henry suffered terrible head injuries in a freak Formula 2 accident. 

The Foundation has several aims: to assist those affected by brain and physical injuries in accidents and help them to readjust to living in communities; to provide education and training within motor sport-related programmes in technology and engineering, and also in road safety campaigns; and to act as a resource to inspire young people in their personal development, education and career choices.

“The Trustees and I were delighted to be invited by Motor Sport to be the official charity partner for the prestigious Hall of Fame event in 2017,” said Surtees, who was inducted into the exclusive club for motor racing heroes in 2012. “The Awards very much echo my own career as the nominations cater for both two- and four-wheeled motor sport. We look forward to working with Motor Sport in helping to make this a very special occasion, not only for the participants, the guests and public who have voted for who is next inducted, but also for the Henry Surtees Foundation.”

For more information, go to www.henrysurteesfoundation.com


In September we record our first 2017 Hall of Fame podcast to begin deciding who next will join our exclusive club for motor racing heroes. To begin it’s sports cars, and we’ve enlisted 2016 inductee Derek Bell and leading sports car journalist Gary Watkins to help choose a short list. Then it will be over to you to vote for who succeeds Derek as the next sports car Hall of Fame member.

Brian Redman, Pedro Rodriguez and Vic Elford all finished close to Bell in the 2016 polls
so they will automatically be added to the list for 2017. Who else would you like to see nominated? Email webeditor@motorsportmagazine.com to share your thoughts ahead of the recording on September 7 (podcast released by September 12). 

Find past Hall of Fame podcasts at www.motorsportmagazine.com/podcasts/all