Cobra: The story of an icon


By Trevor Legate/Kay Hafner

It’s beautifully produced, fabulously well printed and presented, and it’s released in a limited edition of, significantly, 289. But the large number of photos and pages devoted to one 50th anniversary gathering of the cars, many with their proud owners waving at the camera, is a hint that this is something of an indulgence and will most likely be purchased by everyone who took a Cobra to that meet.

Goodwood’s 2012 Cobra celebrations also get extensive photo coverage, which is more interesting to look at, and Cobra guru Trevor Legate was the right person to commission for the text: he rattles through the history with authority (though even in an ENORMOUS font size this is only one third of the book). While there’s nothing new here, if you don’t have a Cobra history and just can’t get enough photos of very, very shiny Cobras, you could feast on this. GC

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