
There follows a swoop downhill over the Quiddelbacher bridge and up over a blind crest to Flugplatz. The front end gets light over the crest, but the car doesn’t take off (Flugplatz doesn’t mean Flying Place as many believed, but Airport as there used to be one there). Its then fast downhill to the right-hand hairpin at Aremburg before plunging down the Fuchsrohre (Foxhole).

The descent is flat out but you must know where you’re going as the line is moving left and right and you’re changing direction before slight crests. In other words, you need to be aiming for the next apex before you can see it. A massive compression pushes you down into the seat when you arrive at the bottom at what is the fastest point of the circuit, and then you shoot up the other side, being careful to anticipate the blind left-hander over a crest at the top.

On public days and even some race/ practice days one could almost guarantee some expensive rollovers here, performed by drivers with more enthusiasm than skill, to the point where the track once proposed to modify the corner. This was met with fierce opposition by many, including a certain Herr Martini who owned a garage and body shop next door to the SportHotel, who argued that it would change the spirit of the Nurburgring/ They won and the corner is still there.

Next comes a fast, daunting, blind descent to Breidscheid or Adenau Bridge. Daunting because 40 years ago there was no run-off area, no guard rail, just thick hedges beside the road, so close that at a couple of corners we’d have the nose of the car in the bushes!

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