Prescott pauses to remember and salute WB


Prescott pauses to remember and salute WB

That pleasant annual picnic, the VSCC August weekend at Prescott hillclimb, was the appropriate scene of a short commemoration of Bill Boddy’s life. During Sunday’s lunch interval several cars with WB connections assembled on the start line, where our late founder editor so often sat with notebook and camera,

while a number of people who knew him spoke about Bill and his huge significance for the old car world. Accompanying two cars

which WB saved from the scrapyard, the 1914 TT Humber (left) and 1912 Zust, Brooklands director Allan Winn had brought the Napier Railton, and after Roger Collings spoke warmly of his good friend and raised three cheers from the crowd, the cars made a parade ascent of the hill — even the Napier, despite its 47ft turning circle.