Harking back to a classic ERA



In his letter ‘Fry on the Boil’ (September issue), Mr. Hodgson’s memory has failed him a little!

To put the matter straight, Raymond Mays’s record with ERA R4D at Shelsley Walsh was 37.37sec, established in 1939, and in the immediate post-war years it seemed this was never going to be broken.

At the June meeting in 1949,011 their second runs, Fry recorded 37.35sec and Mays replied with 37.36sec. I well remember the tremendous tension on the hill as we awaited Mays’s response!

The history of Shelsley records can be traced in Ton Up!, recently published by the MAC to celebrate the 100 years of the club.

I am,Yours etc,

Howard Stockley, Alcester, Warwickshire