Survey Appeal


The Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs, representing the interests of some 300,000 owners of such vehicles, warns again of increasing activity from environmental groups both here and abroad which aim to restrict or ban the use of older cars, which they wrongly assume ore unfriendly. These historic vehicles not only bring enjoyment to a vast number of people but their existence and use provides employment to thousands more.

To demonstrate the extent of a preservation movement which began over 70 years ago, the Federation has issued a survey to establish the full impact of such ownership. Over 200,000 detailed questionnaires were sent to appropriate club members, and to dote the response has been good, with replies from some 35,000 vehicle owners who value their freedom to use these vehicles. But surely we can do better? Another survey is now going out to the trade, i.e. to specialist restorers, ports-makers, even to magazines and auction houses who value the old-vehicle movement. Britain leads the world in the historic vehicle world; let us all fill in and return these FBHVC surveys.