V-to-C Miscellany (1), October 1986, October 1986


It was with the deepest regret that we learned of the death of Ted Inman-Hunter, after a long illness. Ted was apprenticed to the Aston Martin Company at Feltham in the Bertelli days and ever after remained a 100% AM enthusiast. He joined the AMOC as its 40th member, in 1948, and was the Club’s first Registrar, of the 2-litre and Bertelli models. While in Australia on film work Ted had an early Aston-Martin and he later restored his prized LM7 and drove this 1931 team-car with the greatest enthusiasm. With F.E. Ellis he contributed Book One to the late Dudley Coram’s Aston Martin history that appeared in 1957 and later, in 1976, Ted wrote his own book, about the Aston Martins of 1914 to 1940.  To his wife Joan and their daughter, our heartfelt sympathy.

Ted would have been glad to know that the AMOC now has a membership of over 2,700.


The Morgan Three-Wheeler Club has its AGM at the Abbey Hotel, Malvern, on September 28th, following its annual dinner, and is planning another night trial on October 18th-19th.– W. B.