The New VSCC President


Following the death of Patrick Marsh, Roger Collings has been elected President of the Vintage Sports-Car Club. If, as we believe, the Presidents of this leading Club have in the past been elected for a combination of personal integrity, the ownership of suitable motor-cars, and their active participation in appropriate events, no-one is more fitted to hold this high office than Roger. He has been an almost continual competitor in old-car events both within and outside the VSCC, with his celebrated 1899 3-1/2 hp Benz, 1903 60 hp Mercedes, 1904 8 hp Danacq, 1913 Zust, 4-1/2-litre and 6-1/2-litre Bentleys, and other cars and, moreover, he has encouraged his children, of both sexes, to follow his example. The Presidency of the Club is safe in his hands but we hope, and very much doubt, that his election will not reduce his competitive appearances, at VSCC, VCC and other such Clubs’ fixtures, and Motor Sport offers him its congratulations.

An appreciation of Patrick Marsh will appear next month. — W.B.