V-E-V Odds & Ends, October 1984


V-E-V Odds & Ends. — We hear that the Reg No GO 10, originally on a 40 50 Rolls-Royce Phantom Continental Mullirwr saloon owned by Sir Malcolm Campbell, Much was afterwards used by Leonard Potter, but then with a cut-down open body. a car that went to America, is now on his BMW 635. The magazines of the A7 Clubs’ Association, now edited by Maior Shepherd, are :is interesting as ever, that for the second quart, 01 this year cuts taming, Ott instance, a long piece on A7-engined ‘4,118 Fleas. Which reminds us that We recently heard the story of how RA pilots, based at Upavon, flying the motorcyclePowered MI 53 monoplanes, used to fly low behind saloon cars on the roads across Salisbury Plain untit the drivers, hearing the °Pen exhausts, vvould wave the apparent motorcycle tin. whereupon the aeroplane would overtake at a verv low altitude. to the astonishment of the cars’ occupants! The Chevrolet tourer Reg No NT 74, which we illustrated last June. has been the subject ot further coincidence. because Freddie Henry of Austin tame recalls going with Ins father in their new fist Model-T Eord us

Shrewsbury early III 1921 to meet close friend who had lust acoutivd a new grey Chevrolet — NT 74 — to replace his Briscoe tourer. Xle are delighted to heat of viola, ,ars ci ed’erYdaY Use like TI read, aMeCOCk stile WhICh he has done some 000 miles in 12 months, indlidn, VSCC 4N,tition, also usmg du. h4 h,

work. Referring to recent remarks in the Amilcar Register Newsletter about C. A. Martin racing a 6C Amilcar with a four-cylinder engine, Chris Draper wonders whether Jose Scaron’s ploy of installing a 6C engine in the lighter CGS chassis wasn’t a better bet! No-one has yet identified the tee-tomn special shown on p975 of the August issue but one expert says it appears to have had a rather unusual eight-valve Anzani engine and a circa-1926 Morgan chassis. Elsewhere will be found an account of Charles

Metchim’s exploits with his A7, run twice at Le Mans. He was very impressed with the BNC that ran there; he thought it was probably the same car that finished both in 1933 and 1934, low down the field but qualifying, remarking that this was “a very stout effort with a 993 cc engine”. The car was driven by Adrien and Albert Alin, and in 1935 a 993 cc BNC in other hands also finished the Le Mans race. Albert finished again in 1937, co-driver of a 596 cc Simca, and both the Alins did this yet again in 1939, sharing a 566 cc Simca. —W.B.