"World Cars 1984"


“World Cars 1984”, 439 pp, 11 in x 9 in. (Herald Books, Pelham, New York, £22.50).

With the 1984 British International Motor Show almost upon us, the value of an encyclopaedic reference guide to cars in current production becomes even greater in the MOTOR SPORT ()Nice, This year’s World Cars has amply tilled that need, with its comprehensive details of everything from AC to Zil, listed by country of manufacture. A Formula One summary is included, as are reports on the industry in Europe. America and Japan, together with a series of indices by name, maximum speed, and model, with

GB prices. If I had any criticism at all it would merely be to reiterate my comment on last year’s edition that perhaps a short editorial paragraph on each entry could help to sort out which model is related to which in today’s internationally cross-bred industry. Otherwise, the only hook the could supplant it is the 1985 edition. G.C.