The Davrian Dragon


The Davrian Dragon

LAST November we looked in on Davrian Developments Ltd. to see the progress this Welsh kit-car company was making with its exciting sports and GT coupes. At that time the new Davrian Dragon was under development and the car is now in production, using Davrian’s own suspension and braking system. It seems that the idea of using Renault-power has been dropped in favour of installing Ford engines, primarily Fiesta or Escort MIc.3, mounted transversely behind the cockpit, with the option of using the 1600 Escort XR3 engine and five-speed gearbox for top performance. With the 66 b.h.p. 1300S FICSIa power unit the makers estimate figures of over 100 m.p.h. and 0-60 m.p.h. in 81/2 sec from the 13 cwt. Dragon-Ford Mk. VIII, which sells for £6,572.67 in kit form. The Dragon has its own

all-round disc-braking and rack-and-pinion steering. and its two fuel tanks provide a range of some 400 miles. Delivery can be arranged in about eight to ten weeks, according to the brochure. The price increases to about £7,022 in XR3 kit-form, and individualists can specify engines of makes other than Ford.

Davrian are now well established in three new factory units at Lampeter, courtesy of the Welsh Development Agency, and the Dragon was exhibited at the Design Engineering Show which closed in Birmingham last month. It is to be shown at the Motor Sports Centre in Hammersmith next January. and it is hoped that the Dragon will have been type-approved for European sales as a complete car early in 1983. Further information can be obtained by ringing Vicki Evans on 0570-422390 and mentioning MOTOR SPORT. — W.B.