om Readers


A Proposed Invicta History

We would be most grateful if we may appeal through your columns for any information, photographs, reminiscences etc. concerning INVICTA cars for a book that we arc in the process of compiling. We already have a great deal

of information and photographs, but we feel sure that there must be a number of areas with which your readers may be able to help. Particularly we seek reminiscences from the time during which the Invicta was in production, from anyone concerned with the works and from original owners. Information on the 12/45 and 12/90 models is particularly welcome, as would be photographs of these models.

Any material will, with permission, be copied and returned with the minimum of delay. Please net in t2tich with the co-authors, Douglas Irvine, 13 Highbury Grange, London N5 2QB or Brian Dcmaus, Cadmore Close, St. Michael’s, Tenbury, Worcestershire. Tenbury A. B. DEMAUS