Dating of Veteran Cars



Your two references to the late Dennis Fields on page 1108 in the August issue, could give rise to the impression that the Veteran Car Club is no longer going to be able to date veteran cars may have some difficulty in so doing this is just not so.

True, as a friend, adviser and walking’ encyclopaedia, Dennis is irreplaceable; however, Dennis himself wanted to be certain that his knowledge would always be put to good use, for the benefit of the VCC and all people interested in veteran vehicles.

To ensure this continuity he guided and encouraged the members of the Dating Committee of the VCC, which he had chaired since its inception in 1950, to do their own research; he explained his own methods and allowed photo-copies to be made of all his major records in cast anything happened to the originals. As proof of in the Dating Committee’s ability to carry on his work, he bequeathed to the “CC all his library and its attendant notes and records; their custodian is his widow Mary. who was his assistant for many years and who has been appointed the Club’s official historian and a member of the Dating Committee.

Therefore, there need be no doubt that the Veteran Car Club of Great Britain should still be regarded World-wide as the premier source of information on veteran car matters, and will always be happy to assist with information and identification. the Secretary is Mrs. Joan Innes-Ker and the address is Jessamine House, High Street, Ashwell, Herts.

Hitchin – C. J. BENDALL,
President of the Veteran Car Club of Great Britain

(My comments were intended as a tribute to the late Dennis Field but I am glad to know that his death will not unduly impede the VCC of GB in the vital task of dating correctly the cars with which it is concerned – Ed).