A Young Driver



I am a member of the Under Seventeens Car Club and we meet once a month at Silverstone circuit for the day. Unfortunately we are unable to have the whole circuit as there are other meetings taking place at the same time. We have two motor companies who give us the loan of a brand new car; these two firms are Opel and Ford. We have a great number of instructors including Barrie Williams and Tony Dron. Also Mike Franey conies and does his bit to help. We all take our family cars up and we also do a large amount of skill tests.

I am also very interested in cross country driving and I have always wanted to have a bash at this but unfortunately I don’t know of any clubs in the South of England who would accept a 14-year-old. If you know of any clubs who have facilities for under-age drivers I would be grateful if you would forward me some information.

London SE26 – MATTHEW BRETT (Age 14)