Honeymoon in a Wolseley


In the August issue of MOTOR SPORT I note that you have resurrected my old Wolseley 7 (page 1108).

This was indeed an horizontally opposed twin 14 b.h.p, manufactured in 1923, so. like its one time owner. I should think it was veteran.

The trip took place in 1931 and in 1959 my wife (the same one) and I did a re-run over the exact route.

Always having a penchant for faraway places. the undersigned, when over 60, drove a Mini 848 c.c. from Gothenberg in Sweden, over the tortuous Arctic highway to the North Cape in Norwegian Lapland.

Again in a Mini, at well over 70,Bealach nam Bo, the Pass of the Cattle, was the attraction. This pass rises to 2,054 ft. wtth an assortment of hairpin bends at 1 in 4 gradient.

At the summit, the views of Skye, the Coolins. the Outer Isles, Lochs Kishorn and Carron are breathtaking.

The road continues to Applecross and until recently was the only link inland.

Hastings – G. H. NICHOLLS