

If anyone had asked where all the Morgans had gone on Sunday September 5th, I would have said to the Doming House Hotel above the show-village of Broadway, in the Cotswolds. At all events a great many -glistening Plus-4s and Plus-8s had assembled there for the Morris Stapleton Motors’ Garden Party. They were taking part in a six-class beauty-show, with an additional prize for the lady most appropriately-dressed to drive a Morgan. Peter Morgan and his family were present to see the outcome. Another prize was offered to the person who guessed the weight of the Morris Stapleton racing Morgan, which obviously had had some of the standard model’s 1,876 lb. lopped off it

Only one Morgan three-wheeler, a 1951 F-type, had braved appearing among this big display of four-wheeled Morgans. M. Reid of the VSCC had his pre-war Coventry-Climax-engined Morgan 4/4 there, which he says he regards as his vintage car, reminder that this model is now accepted as a Post-Vintage-Thoroughbred by the Vintage Committee.
