The MG-B/C Club


All those readers who wrote in earlier this year suggesting a Club for MG-C owners need want no longer, they have their wish. If they don’t mind sharing with MG-B owners, that is. John Hill informs us that he is secretary of the MG-B/C Club formed earlier this year to cater for these two models plus V8s and any later MGs which may be introduced. Since production figures for the two models exceed the total MG production for previous models the Club is said to be proving very successful.

There’s a useful service for the supply of new and secondhand spares: an average of two cars are available for spares each month and even a damaged V8 is included in the itinerary of spares available. Technical advice is readily available and the Club Newsletter includes technical articles, competition modifications, historical articles, news of spares, members sales and wants, even jokes, we’re told.

John Hill can he contacted at The “B” Hive, 197 Walkwood Road, Hunt End, Redditch, Worcestershire.