Jochen Rindt



This afternoon I learnt of the death of Jochen Rindt, for two years my favourite F1 and F2 driver. I was very upset to learn of this tragedy which has left little interest for me in F1 save that Jochen or his family receive all the honours a World Champion in 1970 deserves. He was plagued with ill-luck in 1969 and now that he leads the field this year by the margin of two wins, or its points equivalent, I hope that his rivals will not manage to topple him from the 45 points leading total he has acquired.

Shoulders would have been the throne of Jochen if he had lived to see the lead materialise. His F2 throne must undoubtedly be any car of the category mentioned.

The name of Jochen Rindt may not join the names of the truly champion drivers but he was a driver, a champion and my and many others’ friend.

JOHN A. SPENCER (aged 13) – Cottingham, East Yorks.

[This is but one of a great many similar letters received. We chose this one as it is from the youngest reader to mourn the passing of this great racing driver. Other teenagers have also written, as shocked, obviously, over the news of Rindt’s accident as I was when I heard that Parry Thomas had been killed.—Ed.]