Camping at Brands Hatch



We noted with regret Mr. J. P. Leighton’s complaint about the camping facilities at Brands Hatch for the British Grand Prix in your September issue correspondents’ column.

However, I am afraid I can only point out that the provision of permanent facilities for campers is strictly governed by planning regulations and we are not in a position to provide them without committing an infringement.

It is only fair to add that every enquirer who contacts us in advance with regard to camping provisions is informed in writing that there are no lavatory or washing facilities and campers must be completely self-contained with regard to these items and litter disposal.

Within these necessary limits we are glad to provide a bare site for camping, but Mr. Leighton’s description of his conduct in sanitary matters is bound to cause us doubts as to the wisdom of making even this provision.

C. J. D. Lowe, Brands Hatch Circuit Ltd. – Fawkham