"Shopping for a Daimler"



Ever since reading your various letters pertaining to “Shopping for a Daimler” I have intended writing this letter. Finally spurred by bricks and bouquets thrown at numerous marques to overcome my lethargy I would like to pay a small tribute to the name Daimler.

Having owned my DB18 only one month I decided to drive it from Perth to Sydney and back in my brief three weeks’ holiday, 5,000 miles by the shortest route. After work on Friday I packed wife, child, etc., checked oil and water and left.

Monday night found me in Sydney, 2,780 miles away, having averaged 63 m.p.h. with 21 m.p.g. This, I add, included the so-called horror stretch of the Nullabor Desert of London-Sydney fame.

After covering 1,200 miles seeing friends an eneventful return was made in somewhat less time! (Had to be at work on Monday.) In 7,000 fast, fatigue-free miles in three weeks I suffered one puncture (using non-recommended synthetic rubber tyres) and numerous unfounded qualms. I plan to go again this year in the Daimler, though my wife would prefer a more reliable car! Could you advise ?

DAVID PARIS – S. Perth, W. Australia